
This is wonderful!

It is a giant meatball. If you think of it that way, why would you not eat it?

Working on Dump’s Moon Base.

I think the person telling you that “you’ve been hacked” is actually the one trolling you. Another account is making the same claim to several different people, all with the same image, and just the user icon/name/time changed. Every single one has the same dropdown menu for another user named “jtrap” who has a

I believe that she has to give up bits of her personality in exchange for looking young, which is why she continues a slow slip from being very cool to being extremely lame.

Roy Moore doesn’t want to be fed... He wants to hunt!

Add Samuel L. Jackson just because?

Can’t we put all the crying babies on one plane? Maybe mix in a few teenagers to scare them into birth control? Add Samuel L. Jackson just because?

Yeah, this is a hill I’ll die on each and every time, though Jezebel readers tend to snark hard on bad grammar and punctuation: looking down on someone for poor written or verbal communication is classist and ableist and unkind. Good communication skills are not a solid indicator of intelligence or worth. Come at me,

The typo thing=children is unkind. You should not marry this man not because you may be young, based on your typos. You should not marry this man because after hooking up on-again, off-again, fooling around, whatever it was for three years, he can’t know after three months of monogamy if he’ll be satisfied and

I am 14 years too old

This should somehow be more shocking especially since i love watching him kick so much ass in the john wick movies, but it isn’t?? Paul Rudd seems “young” whereas Keanu seems “ageless” if that makes sense?

Arlo and Wampa 😊

Meet Peanut, my 130 pound. cuddle bug.

Harlow and Willow. Two years apart but still act like sisters.

This is Duke. I adopted him about 9 years ago as a puppy. He’s a very good dog.

Drink’em if you got’em folks.

“It’s all me baby.” even raping the backstreet boys had terrible lyrics.