
I’m an ADA Rafael Barba (Raúl Esparza) gal myself...

Ugh this white bitch. The dog is cute though.

You should be able to track i down on either youtube or vimeo.

Now playing

Maybe this song and video will make you feel a bit better.

Celery oughta be thankful for the opportunity. 

I think that, because her work is intensely vaginal, it makes you uncomfortable.

Puberty is the Upside Down.

How dare you slight Han-san by not having him at least ranked #2.

“Annnnd they’re off. Into the first turn is Mama’s Boy followed by Really, Him? and If Flour Was A Person. Now If Flour Was A Person is making their move, If Flour Was A Person is coming to the inside followed by No One Wants to Sleep with You and Another Privileged White Boy. It’s still If Flour was a Person, If

At the end of this whole thing, Cassie will grudgingly get together with Colton, likely with some financial inducement by ABC so she gives the show its “fairy tale” ending.

Until this comment I didn’t realize that it wasn’t Kate Beckinsdale.

That tweet left out the best part of the photo—Antoni from Queer Eye:

I forgot how old I was for an entire year and was going around telling everyone I was 46 (which I wasn’t) by the time my birthday rolled around and I actually turned 46 I felt like I got to live the whole year all over again. It was great.

Not only do I have age blindness, I’m kind of bad about keeping up with what year it is. I mean, if I think about it for even just a second or two, I know that it is 2019, but if someone were to just suddenly demand I tell them the year without any time at all to think about it, I’m not sure what year I’d blurt out.

Cute dog.

Seems Dr. Sanderson experienced an unconscious coupling.

I refuse to judge B. Smith’s husband.  If you haven’t lived it you have no vote, opinion or advice to offer.  

I tried to make my French bulldog Instagram famous. I thought with her trademark looks, Blue Steel, Le Tigre, Magnum and What Kind of Fucking Idiot Are You? she’d be a shoo-in. Alas she refuses to wear adorable outfits or pose with props so her following has plateaued at 900.