J Trap

this guy is going to be elected?

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old

Feminism is cancer. Had Hitler not been defeated, we wouldn’t have any of these problems.

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old

Seems appropriate - The horse is only 9 years old


The horse’s lawyer is jewish

That’s not what he meant, is it?

That’s not what he meant, is it?

That’s not what he meant, is it?

That’s not what he meant, is it?

Okay, really? Explain what you mean?

Okay, really? Explain what you mean?

Okay, really? Explain what you mean?

Okay, really? Explain what you mean?

Okay, really? Explain what you mean?