
“Please protest in a way that is less visible to me, makes me less uncomfortable in being complicit with the problems”

Did you read the review?

Ezekiel Elliot is a star player on the NFL’s most marketable franchise, one with the most powerful owner.

obviously you’re joking about 25 years, but the limit is 5 year contracts. It used to be 7 years maximum but the owners won in the CBA negotiations to bring it down to 5.

You’re talking about the wrong injury entirely. The injury that sidelined him this season was NOT the Zaza Pachulia injury (ankle).

doesn’t make it any less true. 

They’re extremely organized and on message. They just happen to be evil.

The Chrono Trigger ties aren’t in the game until the last 10% of the game, when it’s suddenly dumped at you all at once.

I wish they would make a hockey-style offsides where the field is separated into zones where offsides is allowed and forbidden.

ppl just want to shit on something to demonstrate how cool they are.

You put Draymond on the Orlando Magic, what’s their ceiling? It’s not very high.

Of course nothing lasts forever, but I can still see the Warriors being good in 3-4 years.

It’s hard to parcel out how much Lebron himself is to blame for the quality of the teammates around him, but there’s plenty of basis for speculation.

yeah, having exploded ankles that continuously and seriously threatened your playing career is not “a moment of strife” at all.

I thought the Hinkie tanking was a disgrace to the NBA and sports in general, but you’re misguided in your rush to blame The Process Sixers for everything.

I think the outlandish conspiracy defense is that somebody hated Colangelo and made 4 fake accounts. This source then gave 5 accounts (Colangelo + 4 fake burners) to The Ringer, and waited for the real burner to go dark before following suit with the 4 incriminating ones.

apparently there is speculation that she intentionally speaks in a very different voice for the hell of it. somebody once described her voice as “little kid pretending to be a grownup” and I thought it fit perfectly.