
I remember playing GoldenEye on N64 as a kid and really enjoying it. 12 years later, after playing Call of Duty on XBox, etc, a friend pulled out his N64 and we replayed GoldenEye.

same here. I don’t play it, but I very much admire how much effort the developers are putting into a free-to-play game

Waluigi first appeared in 2000 in a spinoff Tennis game, and is a 3rd tier spinoff clone of taking the Wario-Mario evil clone and applying it to the Mario Clone that is Luigi. Hardly iconic and his popularity is based in irony and memes. There’s nothing special about him that isn’t already covered by Wario/Luiugi.

Active Mode is the most challenging way to play, and I argue that it’s way more appropriate and realistic than wait mode.

it’s the running gag

Why would he try to milk extra years as a supposed lame duck? He gets the money even if he’s fired.

Twitter doesn’t bother verifying nobodies like you or me. The verification system is in place to prevent people from spoofing famous people.

To your point, Orlando Magic started 6-2 last year and finished 25-57!

It says a lot about John Lynch + Kyle Shanahan that the a team with the miserable 2-7 record has such a joyous locker room

he’s been awesome. I love how GS gave him a chance to rehabilitate his image.

There is also a film + media presence in Los Angeles that he clearly values. He’s listed as a producer on many films, acted in TrainWreck and Space Jam 2's gonna be an immense draw no matter how bad it is. Has a show on HBO (Barber Shop):

Damn that video took me instantly back to my cousin’s house in 1995, as we shoved floppy disks into his computer to play Star Wars TIE Fighter. such a fun game

I sympathize with your children’s Nerd sucking tendencies. You suck away the sour tart flavor and then leave behind nothing but a pure crystal of sugar!

and not the fact that the backlash to Durkin’s reinstatement was widespread and immense? Even the Republican governor of Maryland released a public statement asking the University to reconsider their decision to keep Durkin:

Yeah I don’t understand what he’s trying to do.

That potted plant is a famous character from Nintendo’s most iconic franchise

Gita didn’t do her due dilligence. The fine print says free if you purchase before February 1.

Commentator 2 is Jim Petersen, and he’s absolutely fantastic. The best color commentator I’ve come across in League Pass. I stumbled on the Wolves feed on League Pass and was struck by how informative and fun the commentators (Dave Benz and Jim Peteresen) were. He teaches basketball during the broadcasts, and it’s