
those people are i said earlier the type of investors of were involved with this company which is extremely high level and unusual for this type of company period would have never invested in this company without seeing verifiable truth that this technology worked. For people to believe that all these

At the end of day what I’m saying is the truth. You think that if the taxi or the hotel industry had to chance to nip AirBnb or Uber in the bud that they wouldnt do so? You know how much money these industries have lost because of these new technologies? Theranos is any different when it comes to health care. This is

is not trolling is the truth. You think these interest groups within the health care sector are going to allow people to do their own blood work?? you know how much money all these doctors and insurance companies were to lose beacuse of thast.. and top of that just look at some the people who were involve with this

Theranos was not a scam. At the end of day was Theranos was doing was so revolutionary that it was going to change the face of health care as we know wit which mean than in the process certain intrest groups within the health sector were going to lose BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars if this technology became

Teddy Atlas is right. Boxing is rigged. Stephen is making it seem like its an anomaly. What about the last Pacqiao fight? That was a CLEAR ROBBERY. Its not just one judge

Iggy is just a victim of all the racist discriminatory shit that is going on in our society right now. Black people went from fighting against racism to being the racist themselves. Cultural Appropriation is one of the most ignorant stupidest concepts ever contrived

The reason they won’t say it’s because they don’t want to admit that Destiny was a failure. Destiny was made with the intentions that it was projected to be a billion dollar franchise and that is not going to happen.

Preordering isn’t really the issue here. At the end of the day NO ONE should be buying any GAME without doing research and reading reviews first.

the crazy thing about this whole dlc debacle is that it price isn’t even the issue here. The fact is that all these Destiny DLC are not EXTRA content. They are literally selling people parts of the ORIGINAL game. The fact that they are even doing should be enough of an insult to gamers as it is.

I actually want to thank Luke Smith. You have done a great thing for the gaming community. You have become a catalyst that will finally start to wake up a lot the idiot/asleep gamers out there. People have been saying since Day 1 that Destiny is a cash grab and gamers like the sheep they are continue to still play and

Nintendo is just being greedy and not really adapting to this new age we live in. For example DJ’s get paid to play other people’s music but you don’t see stories of artist going after DJ’s because they not getting a cut from the money they make for playing their songs. The reason why is because there is a mutual