
But Serena would get her ass thoroughly kicked in Tennis to any top 100 man from the same era.

Iggy winning F-MVP over Lebron is such a travesty.

It helps to think MVP as “Player of the Year” instead of “Most Valuable Player” As in, who had the most success with an interesting narrative?

Harden would still be an elite player without his bullshittery on fouls. I know defenders being conscious of not-fouling him gives him a bit more space, but he’d still be MVP caliber with a standard level of foul baiting.

Why is it weird?

Lakers color guy Stu Lantz went through a period in the Shaq era where he tried to make Kobe’s nickname “The Dagger”. It obviously did not succeed.

I hope this is an ego problem about losing his starting job, and not a mental health issue about anxiety. But the fact that whispers of Hood’s confidence existed before the Cavaliers is not a good sign.

There was a particularly strange period when “Tim Tebow + Lebron = 4 quarters of great play LOL” jokes were all the rage

Their Habanero hot sauce is my favorite hot sauce.

Except Khloe also slept with Tristan Thompson when his previous girlfriend was pregnant.

and that queue of complaints would be correct. the headline is wrong and misleading

While avoiding 3rd party electronics in general is good practice (unless they are by a reputable company such as Anker), Nintendo must shoulder a considerable amount of blame here by taking a widespread industry standard, and then retinkering it so that only their stuff works on it.

The “software” update was mostly firmware. Firmware is usually where the power management decisions are made, so it’s not surprising that changing the firmware could break charger compatibility, especially with a 3rd party who’s making a good guess at what Nintendo’s power protocol actually is.

Given how life expectancy of an average person was ~30-40 years before modern medicine and technology, it’s not a surprise.

Nothing about this situation makes sense.


You need to stop thinking that your own situation is the standard, and that everyone has the same financial/occupational level you do. As Ms. Monarch said, we have no information as to why this person was traveling, whether she could afford missing the flight, both financially and time-wise (dying relative, etc.). Not

This Deadspin article seems to focus on Cuban’s culpability with regards Sneed instead of Ussery, which I believe is misguided. The SI article focused more on Ussery, especially since he was a thousand times more influential and important than Sneed, and seems to have had way more victims of his lechery.

Can you explain what the lawsuit would be about, and on what grounds Sneed would sue? Sneed was arrested and pled guilty to domestic violence. Aren’t those on public record?