Legend of Dragoon is such a weird game for me. The actual ‘in-game plot’ itself is mostly predictable and cliche, but its slow reveal of the ‘backstory plot’ of what happened hundreds of years ago is fascinating and in some ways way more compelling.
Legend of Dragoon is such a weird game for me. The actual ‘in-game plot’ itself is mostly predictable and cliche, but its slow reveal of the ‘backstory plot’ of what happened hundreds of years ago is fascinating and in some ways way more compelling.
Reminds of the Fresh Prince episode where the whole family is surprised to learn that the new boyfriend is so..... tall.
But we don’t give a shit about the owners because they don’t produce the product (ie the actual plays of the sport) that we consume and enjoy. I don’t know the particulars of the MLB, but I know that it’s practically impossible for NFL and NBA teams to lose money due to revenue sharing, no matter how shitty your…
it’s astounding what “idiots who think they’re morally right” come up with. It kinda makes the motivations of holy wars and suicide bombers make sense.
Whether or not the father “should” have punched Nassar in court is up for debate, but it is absolutely not up for debate that the father should face legal punishments for doing so.
jesus fucking christ, is the concept of “rule of law” so difficult to grasp?
“All the shouting shows on ESPN covered the trade to death”
Lebron too
Why would altitude affect a pressure cooker? The cooker itself is a sealed environment, so altitude would have a negiglible effect. Altitude affects regular cooking because the air/water in your pot is in contact with the thinner air around you.
can’t listen right now, but does anybody acknowledge that Lebron has a No Trade Clause?
Renard’s never wrong
Lakers retired Kobe’s jerseys during a GSW matchup, and people said the same thing.
Yes, that is true. I don’t watch the Laker games that much, but it seems like the team plays much better when he’s on the court vs when he’s off/injured.
I love when press conference responses are awesome.
Chris linked the Arizona game in the article, and in it he’s got decent form.
Do you have any proof of it, or are you just talking out of your ass?
That’s a misleading interpretation of what happened. You make it sound like they said “We really like Lonzo, so let’s get rid of Russell to do it.”
Ah yes, Mitt Romney, defender of poor people. All 47% of them.
Maybe, but I don’t think Jonah/Bill ever talked about it afterwards, which to me seems like a big sign that it was taken or meant at face value.
It’s the standard Projection: criticize others for stuff that you are guilty of