
For what it’s worth these are all realism of existing gear. So you can pledge whatever faction for any reason and still track down that look elsewhere. Dead Orbit is EDZ gear, FWC is Nessus, and New Monarchy is more general armor that can drop from Rahool and other engrams. (Kerak, errant-knight, and philomath).

Is she related to Colonel Sanders? Cause she knows how to cook up half baked shit in a bucket and serve it to the American people.

If only there was a nonviolent way for NFL players to peacefully protest what’s happening to minorities in America in a way that would garner mass media attention.

Trump tweets about escaping assasination attempt in 3...2...1

“The Hugest Assasination, really dangerous guys. You wouldn’t believe how assasiny they were. Some guys I know , really top guys, were assassinated by these guys.”

Yes. He should get a cell right next to all those people from AIG and Bear Stearns still doing time.

Protect your tailpipe Mr. Engineer

How’s your NSU Ro-80 running these days? All of mine are in tip-top shape.

There is no “Draft” to dodge. Except the NFL Draft. And these fools got drafted by the Browns. The BROWNS. It’s like the Afghanistan of NFL teams.

neat truck... for about 4,000$...

Seriously. NMS makes vanilla Destiny look like freaking Tolstoy in comparison.

Crack Pipe, but let me explain:

Other way around there, junior. Respect the true classics.

You seem a bit confused. The matte black hood/trunk was the classic Abarth Rally livery from the original 124. The new “Fiata” is FCA desperately trying to make you think of this car, not the other way around.

I was 12. I didn’t feel well during the game, but I soldiered on, because the premiere of the A-Team followed the game. And I ate a lot of Hickory Farms cheese and meat snacks. Turns out the A-Team sucked, and I was laid low by the wicked influenza that became notorious in these parts. Ten days of vomit followed, and