

Got somewhere you need to go? Go there in an M5.

Now playing

Please spare yourself 7 minutes and watch this classic chase from Ronin:

Unpopular opinion time. The best M5's had 6 cylinder engines.

well.. it may not have been the first.. but this will always be my very favourite

everything should have the full body design

Here is a summary of reasons people have mentioned in this thread (though thank God, pretty much everyone here does not actually hold these believes themselves). Only 1 of them is reality — Can you guess which one?
- Wait times

Odd kinda Brazilian that leaves a gigantic black bush.

I owned a 2002 Autobahn package Intrigue with the 3.5 shortstar. It was actually a ridiculously competent daily driver. Quiet, comfortable, great mpg, and surprisingly decent handling for the category. I can’t speak for the base cloth 3.8 model, but the top of the line model was a solid DD and FAR better than the

Catchers shouldn’t have to throw to 1st for a dropped third strike, takes too much time. To move the game along quicker, they should be able to just point their fingers at the batter, like a gun, and make “pew pew” noises. If they got them, they have to pretend they’re dead. It’s the rules.

Rebuttal via Steve Lehto

LAND Rover.

The evolution of the Garbage Truck ;)

Tepesch Mowed