The mess is the size of a raspberry, quite literally. Seriously though, I though thte same thing! Cute but the potential stains! Put him on a table or the kitchen.
The mess is the size of a raspberry, quite literally. Seriously though, I though thte same thing! Cute but the potential stains! Put him on a table or the kitchen.
Butterfly it down the spine and yank out the alimentary canal.
OMG SJP doesn't know what the word for "tailgating" is omg omg omg omg. If these people ever spent five minutes with me in my house they would set themselves on fire.
Thank you! Enough with the division privilege.
Yes. I was thinking something along these lines when I read the article. When the color of a person's skin doesn't really matter to you, I think it can be easy to get wrapped in a bubble where you forget that other people still care that much about stuff like interracial relationships or biracial children until it's…
Sounds reasonable to me!
You? You've got no backbone. Go grow a pair (of lungs).
No dragons from Pern? Sad.
Cider is one of like two things in the entire world that gives me heartburn on the regular. I can have one or two, any more than that and it's Pain City, I'm the Mayor.
There's a bunch of cats that roam my neighborhood and they eat the veggies. She's had to replant a few things.
This neighbor is awesome and lets me eat it, as well as the veggies in her garden. She planted it for our gated community. So if a zombie apocalypse happens, we're set.
Bring it. If Uber can write that unsalted butter should not exist, I can write that overpriced fungus is disgusting.
I love Pleasers as well.
After reading the books, ASOIAF food to me is some meat charred black on the outside, bloody red on the inside, and the grease runs down your chin while you eat it.
I could go for an Eclainchovy. I can envision it - a savory eclair with a light anchovy mousse inside of it. Better yet, make it profiteroles, so I can fit a whole one in my mouth. Profitelanchovy.
Its a porn film but the writing will probably be better than the stuff Steven Moffat comes up with. There will probably be better female characters too.
We are the League of Evil butterball turkey!
Like a really drunk Christmas tree.