Bumblecat: Cat Burglar

That person probably overfilled the pot tho.

“Rainbow fish” You mean the story of the fish that literally had to give away most of what made her special in order to fit in? Eugh.

I’d eat the cloudy meaty one, that fish one looks beautiful but not like, edible, and who the fuck wants their jello studded with brussels sprouts!?!

Hola from Laurel!

I can’t stand lobster tail, but I’ll happily nom the thorax and the claws!

From any number of causes.

That’s actually a fairly common thing called ptosis. One of the muscles in her eyelid is longer than the other, causing one eyelid to be droopier than the other.

More for me!!! And I’ll take those unused chocolate chips too. They’ll be great in brownies.

Delicious bites of brown sugar and butter and vanilla? The chocolate chips add an earthiness that detract from that deliciousness.


Thank you for apologizing.

So she makes fun of my language and *I’m* the one who needs to chill? Somehow, I think your priorities are misplaced.

Because racism is hilarious.

“Shut the fuck and let me finish, baby/ I’ll let you finish later”

Dude...just bake bread in the le creuset! Mix your dough, let it rise, proof it. Put both the lid and the pot in the oven while you preheat. Before you put your dough in the pot, spray the inside with oil, pop the dough in, then put the lid on. Bake for 45 minutes with the lid on, then take the lid off for the last 15

You must have a lot of spare time then, because that’s literally what I do all day.

Sure, but if go-go-chocobo wants to do it in the form of marmite, what’s the harm? It’s Chocobo’s body, not yours, and it’s sort of rude to police what other people put in their mouths. Well, there’s no “sort of” about it. It’s actually just plain rude.

Craving marmite whilst hungover isn’t a bad thing, really. It’s got lots of B vitamins that help replace what you lost in the drinkening.

No, it looks like that gif of cat lungs that you see inflating and deflating by way of a hose of air.

Oi!!! [Devours whole wheat bread panfried in onion flavored chicken fat, sprinkled with salt] Schmaltz is delicious.