Look, we should just all be grateful that Pitbull isn't involved. Silver linings!
Look, we should just all be grateful that Pitbull isn't involved. Silver linings!
Cuntrol yourselves.
I shall watch this! I will enjoy every single second of it. Also, I find John Cho extremely hot.
Wasting food is bad. Just sayin'.
Nomnoms! With interwebs peeps!
Amazing how they can try to silence an article about rape culture and NOT see the irony.
Yes, I remember when Houdini performed his great "Shush, Ladies!" Disappearing Rape Crimes trick!
Fair point.
Oh dear, oh dear. This is not good. I love all things pork, including little piglets at the State Fair. Gotta go clear up some space in the freezer.
I'll be the guy in the Road Warrior costume fending off anyone else making a play for bacon with a chainsaw attached to a stop sign.
You're right, but I can't exactly blame him. Single father dealing with His Princess becoming a preteen? Also, him remembering what a punk-ass he was in the early 80's? Probably scared the shit out of him to realize dudes like his teenage self might be going after his bbgirl.
I'm done with tumblr. Deleted my account, burned that bridge down. Never going back... I have had enough MRA/TERF battles to last me a life time.
Capri Suns are really good tho if you mix them with Vodka.
We had a 90s party a few years ago for which I went and bought "crazy shit we ate as kids". I love sugar but it was all disgusting, except for the dunkaroos, which of course, had to be special ordered in a pack of 14 boxes from Amazon because they were not available at any grocery store within 50 miles.
Did you jerk off on the model's face when you took photographs of her? Sexually abuse her from a position of power? No? Then it's not really the same case here.
I only have myself to blame. I've started filing my teeth into points, because while I might have missed my opportunity to have a man, I can certainly have a decent snack.
regular ol' spinach will work on adults. trust.