Dear A-hole Judges:
Dear A-hole Judges:
Pretty! Yeah, I'm not a fan of white diamonds. I find them boring. But colored gems, omgwant.
Huh. Yeah, that would work, as long as the pointy bit is in the hollow of the throat. NVM. I bow to your wisdom.
I think hers is cut differently though. Also, I did qualify "depending how wide it is" like, from the base to the top, it might be unwieldy if the stone does not lie flat on your skin and, say, leans over from one side to another. Also also, a too tall pendant isn't my cup of tea, so there is that.
SHINY!!!! I'd think put it as a brooch or crown/tiara, because depending how wide it is, from flat-top to pointy-bit, it would be too unwieldy to wear as a ring or a necklace or a bracelet.
Lol. Fuck that noise. Tell him to clean the goddamn house before inviting people over.
Oh, man, that sucks. We have the litter box in the bathroom and use clumping, be-baking-soda'd litter, so it's not too bad. It's only bad when Bunnycat poops on the carpet in protest of my human's litter schedule.
I kinda giggled over the female human who left bc the bunny was under the bed. Though come to think of it, I'd have left if the bunny were in the room, much less under the bed. (When my human and I are going at it, the cat is definitely kicked out of the bedroom for the interim. Because nothing is more creepy than…
Eww, and now I'm imagining stepping on fresh rabbit pellets on carpet....ewww. My cat, appropriately named Bunny, will poo on carpets if my human is slow to clean her litterbox, though I've never stepped on her deposits yet.
Perhaps he also was a bit...remiss in cage maintenance? I mean, if I walked into a prospective bedmate's domicile, and it smelt of animal excreta, I'd remove him from the running as well. Actually, that is what I think this man is. An entitled asshole whose house smells of pee. He might want to work on those.
WHAT LIPSTICK ARE YOU WEARING, LINDY??? IT'S GORGEOUS ON YOU!!! Also...I wants to buy it for myself.
Oh god, she's aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeful. Apparently, we both like Julia Quinn.
Ooh, this might be why I loooooove feesh so much. Or it might be because I am a cat. A boozy cat.
Also good? Brown sugar buttercream mixed with chocolate chips, aka chocolate chip cookie icing, used as a filling in chocolate whoopie pies. I think about food a lot. Can you tell?
I won't lie, sometimes I like to add a bit to chocolate frosting to top a bowl of pitted bing cherries.
I was thinking more spicy, redheaded, and full bodied, with a bit of a dark side.
Shiraz is Jessica Rabbit.
Worth it.