[Snickers] Maybe she just wanted some "me" time, and used lotion application as an excuse.
[Snickers] Maybe she just wanted some "me" time, and used lotion application as an excuse.
I only like the puppy. Everything else is just meh.
Goddamnit Kinja, stop eating my pictures!
Oh, hey, I know that word! My cousin came back from thailand using the word ติงต๋ง, or I think that's how you spell it as well. I feel like that's also a rude word.
I'm a bit fuzzy on my thai, as I'm second generation and my mom only taught me formal language. But did he call his friend a gateuy? Sorry, I can't read thai at all. Or write it, for that matter.
Is that a wolf snail? Wolf snails are cuuuuute.
I just loved the, "Mom....this is my friend" and the awkward staring and the sawat. Adorably awkward.
I read it up until the incesty part and put it away.
What I would recommend, in addition to what everyone else is saying (Bear mace FTW!!!) I find that a way to increase assertiveness in a low-risk sort of way is, when you and your friends get together and wonder what to do, try to be the one who comes up with ideas, or, if someone comes up with one first, try to…
OMG that sounds amazing.
I'd actually try all of these except for the blueberry hazelnut. I'm not sure what that thai Lays chips' flavor is.
Love love love the second pic. I love disapproving animals.
Wait, are you talking to me, or the Republican Butthole Who Is Totally Not Fishnets?
Yeah. You Big White Republican Butthole!
Yes, but cannibalism.
I remember reading in National Geographic that they had spliced the genes of another spider's silk into goats, so that we could harvest the silk from their milk. You should get a goat friend!!!
I was kidding. Though it IS true that Darwin's Bark Spider has the highest tensile strength of all spider silks, AND that the average strand of spider silk is stronger than a strand of steel wire of identical thickness, but with a far greater flexibility. This should help explain it. And it WOULD be hella expensive if…
But you don't understand! That....article of clothing is made of pure, 100% Darwin's Bark Spidersilk, dyed with five fields worth of saffron...three ply! The luster of silk, the rich color of saffron, and a tensile strength greater than steel AND Kevlar, and the flexibility of water, this is The Acme of Garments.…