How was that surprising? How does the concept ones' environment shapes how one sees oneself? Or were you expecting them to be "like, soooooo ethnic, it's so cool that I can relate to you, and you're like, not chinky at all!"
How was that surprising? How does the concept ones' environment shapes how one sees oneself? Or were you expecting them to be "like, soooooo ethnic, it's so cool that I can relate to you, and you're like, not chinky at all!"
It might be a foraging thing, in the US, kids are taught that mushrooms not bought in stores are automatically bad, they'll kill you, etc. Scandinavian countries still have that tie to the land, where foraging isn't a trendy new thing, but something that's been done for centuries, and therefore children know not to…
That's not broccoli, that's a heavily color saturated purple cauliflower. God, Penabler, get it right!
Tiny owl on my finger? WANT.
...I won't lie, I kinda want a onesie with a T-Rex fighting a robot. I'd even take a t-shirt with it.
Wait, then what's underneath????
Whyyyyyy??? I'm ugly-sobbing in front of my computer right nowwwwww
Remember when the westminster dog show had a purina commercial sponsoring adoptions with Lady Gaga's Paparazzi playing in the background? Blast, I can't find it on the youtubes. But yes. Legit sobbing PLUS I can't listen to that song without crying anymore.
I'm going to be charitable, and say that Doug was implying that the prince was a creep. "I was raised to be charming, not sincere!"
So is it you or he who's becoming aroused in that gif?
I mean, *I* do it because I've got the attention span of a gold fish, and therefore, every hair style is OMG OMG THE CUTEST EVAR!!! YMMV
Mutant snarking! Rude.
Bite him! Bite himmmmmm! Do it! And then ask him why he's bald/an entitled jackhole!
I mean, it's either, in the middle of his little, shall we say, ritual, to point at him and call him a rat hat, or be wildly clingy. And I can't really decide which would be the most amusing for me. Le sigh. So many choices!