
Aren’t you the optimist? GenX will never have the power. We have never been the slackers. We just put our heads down and took care of things and said, “fuck all y’all” b/c honestly, what was the point of arguing? Right now, what X’er has time for power? Most of us have Boomer parents who, while they couldn’t have been

So, your conclusion is that GenX “failed” and you came to that conclusion by pulling together a bunch of asshole quotes made at the time by Boomers about what a bunch of slackers GenX were? Original take. Who knew that Boomers hated their own kids? Yeah, that was news to us, the ones raising themselves while “greed is

 I bet you he tried to hit on her once and she shot him down, and his fragile little ego couldn’t handle it.

He definitely could hold it together better. The insane stresses of the past year are widening the cracks into abysses.

I come at this conversation from a slightly different angle. I am DYING to get a breast reduction. In fact, I just reached out to a doctor today for a consultation about one. I wear a 34G, and I absolutely hate the way my breasts impact everything in my life, from what I wear to how I exercise.

I don’t understand butt injections. Who needs to make their ass bigger? Trust me, middle age is gonna roll around, and nature has a way of naturally making everything bigger. What happens to your ass injection then?

I *LOVE* our ice tea maker. I thought for sure I was the only one that owned the damn thing. My husband is so damn old school he refuses to use it. I don’t know how many of my pans he has ruined because they have become tea stained - yes, he has to boil a pot of water, then steep the tea bags in it. And because we are

One more childhood favorite, ruined. How did we live on this stuff as kids growing up in the South and not die? Hell, my DAYCARE made brewing sun tea a daily activity we did and we’d drink the stuff the next day at lunch - sweet, of course.

I am going to sleep very bad tonight because someone who has never seen me does not consider that I am attractive.

The true irony is that these assholes call themselves “pro-life,” but treat any woman entering that clinic, for any reason, as lower than pond scum. Do they think their “efforts” reduce abortion rates? I wonder if there are any numbers on that anywhere.

If there is anything right and just about the afterlife, these people will spend it someplace miserably hot with other people screaming, oh, punk rock lyrics through megaphones at them for all eternity.

To be fair, if you’re 32, you were born in 1984. You don’t remember the 80's. A lot of the people who loved this show are GenX, not millenials, and we remember the 80's in all it’s neon and permed glory.

I’ve seen reports that the difference in price between flammable and non-flammable cladding was minimal.

* Apparently, Donnie is not aware that Melania poops. Ever. At all.

There is definitely something “off” about Mulvaney. Perhaps it’s just that he is missing a soul or a conscience.

Someone needs to take that book and smack Mick Mulvaney with it, repeatedly.

When I see Mulvaney spouting this bullshit, barf bag is actually what I immediately think of every damn time.

One thing that I thought was incredibly funny was the fact that Kushner’s need for revenge for his father by getting Chris Christie fired as the head of the transition team might just save Christie from jail. 

Mother will be so, SO disappointed. She may have to send him to bed without any dessert.

And therein lies the problem. Trump’s going down, and if he takes Pence with him because of this, then you look at Ryan. Is the revaluation about the behind-doors meeting enough to show *he* was in on it? I don’t know, but let’s just say it is. Then you know who we’re stuck with? ORRIN HATCH.