
I was wondering if this show was ever coming back. Thanks for sharing this story!

ETA: I saw people upthread are suggesting the idea that a kid get an apology from an adult is absurd. Personally, I don’t think that being an adult means you are not obligated to be polite to children. I try to treat kids with the same manners I use on adults, because they learn through role models

Absolutely not. I will eat my hat if this kid isn’t on the spectrum - this is my nephew top to bottom. He got smacked, and when you do that, you say you’re sorry. Rules are a big deal. 

Season 4 was sooooo much better than S3. I was pissed off about S3; really did not like it at all. 4 totally redeemed it.

Hey, Bull Asshole? Your complaint is akin to a someone who does graffiti filing a complaint with a city when they paint over thier “art” to clean up a wall.

But it’s time that Dems in traditionally blue areas listen to the few of us who live in deep red areas. Sometimes it really is better to throw your money at more winnable races. You’d be lucky to get a moderate Republican in King’s district, and it’s not going to be a woman, I promise.

As for states where bestiality is technically legal, my guess would be that the people who wrote the criminal laws just didn’t think about it at the time.

Sorry, I’m not googling any of that for you. :P

I think she’s a wonderful example of how the right to free speech works. You can say whatever your heart desires, but no one has to listen or agree. Not only that, but you are not owed a paycheck for your words. Nor are you owed a platform from which to say those things.

Maybe she’ll have an epiphany?

So, let’s see, this person who gleefully ripped to shreds a football player because he took a knee - didn’t even make a verbal statement or anything that directly contradicted his employer - and she spent a good bit of time making fun of him and felt he deserved whatever he got because hey, JUST SHUT UP AND DO YOUR

Lol, if I got one thing from yesterday’s Spicer show, is that he doesn’t think that Jews were German citizens.

But it was his attempts to clarify his original comment that are even worse.

“We’re rebranding the camps!” - Goebels

I need clarification on why dropping a chemical weapon into the middle of a city filled with innocent people is worse than rounding up innocent people, bringing them to a “holocaust center,” and gassing them there?

I always just have MSNBC live on my computer in the background while I’m working and I was working on a document and heard that and thought, “wait ... WHAT?????” and had to bring up the browser window to look because I thought wait, there is no way I just heard what I thought I heard and then saw him start tapdancing

I wish someone from the Journalist pit screamed What the Fuck?! then Are you fucking kidding me?!

It’s amazing how many meetings with Russians manage to slip these guys minds. If they can just overlook this many meetings, how many did they actually have? If I only met ONE Russian diplomat, it’d sure as hell stand out it my mind. If you’ve forgotten the meetings or they starrt to blur together, then you’ve had too

Slight tweak to the headline: “Donald Trump’s interest in ANYTHING ELSE has always been second to his interest in himself.”

Putin banned this picture the other day. Russians can be thrown in jail for posting it online.