
These faces look a lot like celebrity faces in magazines after they've been through the photoshop ringer; thinner, longer, whiter. Do you think the recent trend in over-manipulating faces we see every day has changed the way our brains take in and remember faces?

Beat me to it & dogegonit perfect.

Yeah, my fiancé got stranded in this whole mess. I feel like I need to adopt your policy for when either I fly or he does, because I was stressed out beyond belief trying to help him get home.

NEVER has this been more appropriate.

Some of this, if phrased differently, would absolutely be within an assistant's job description. I've been a secretary for 30+ years and, in order to do your job, you must be very good at organizing not only yourself but the people you're working for. Which means that you must organize them in a way that works for

Halloween was last month. Put your "Sexy Punky Brewster" costume away.

It's whatever makes you feel bad about your own body.

My wife had a miscarriage, and it was a horrible, horrible experience for us to endure. The baby was hardly full term, and she didn't deliver it, but still...that whole experience has taught me a life lesson, which is this: it is traumatic and painful as fuck to lose a child, and basically you should NEVER EVER judge

I had a stillborn baby and my photos are all I have left of her. People grieve in different ways. I have nothing left except her ashes and photos, so I cling to them. I do not, however, post them on the internet.

I think her situation is quite different than these selfie situations. Mainly, she never had the opportunity to take pictures of her baby while it was alive.

Right? It's like an alternative world version of the Unification Church blessing ceremony.

Every single one of those ladies is doin' it wrong. I divert your attention to the only debutante the 'verse needs:

Of course 76% of GOP women don't think it would be a good idea to have more women in elected office (or, optimistically, are "neutral" about it). That would entail bringing our representative Congress somewhat closer to actually BEING representative of the nation, and the GOP has come to great lengths to

The vast numbers of Conservative women who really buy into the whole notion that their gender is incapable of actually leading makes me sad. Siding with the patriarchy to hold on tight to your little corner of power rather than actually acknowledging your own self worth and abilities and the RIGHT to have those

Luckily they will all soon be dead from bitterness and accidental gunshot wounds.

And save the money we short people have to pay to get our pants hemmed! Its a twofer!

Those look like a dare.

Hey Dodai, this is my story! Now that I've had a story featured in a Jezebel feature, can I please get promoted out of the gray?? Please??

I plan to read these in the dark with my cats and my family in the room.

Scary story time: