Ding ding ding! Which came first, the chicken or the sexy Photoshopped egg?
Ding ding ding! Which came first, the chicken or the sexy Photoshopped egg?
Oh, I get it — she's DEAD, therefore she's SEXY! Oh, wow much original very misogyny
This is why I don't travel anywhere without Xanax. Good for both scary takeoffs and for not assaulting the poor fuck behind the airline counter. So sorry for your shitty, shitty time!
"Thanks for making that dick I like to suck!"
Having watched a friend go through the same thing (except the funeral was not open casket), the few pictures she has with her dead son are exceptionally important for her. She only got to be with him a tragically short time — not years and years to document. Just part of one day, arguably the worst day of her life. …
I'm going to pretend this is the world's largest en masse lesbian wedding, and you can't stop me.
The ultimate in white privilege — because he knows, and the people listening to him know, that when they say "slavery," they'd never vote their own asses to be slaves. Wonder what the criteria would be? It's a funny hypothetical to them! So funny! Many laugh.
For real — I learned how to sew just to fit things to my shortness.
Ha! My short stature finally pays off! I could take ANY jeans off the rack and, with only a pair of scissors and poor judgement, create these babies.
Maybe I'm just too much of a bleeding heart, but it makes me sick that any woman would suffer for this, even the ones who voted in the assholes who made the law. I pray that these conservative ladies wake the fuck up and start protesting from the inside out. And then just become Dems!
Chris Pine is Captain Kirk. I think he'll be okay.
If you read the full article, it sounds as if there's plenty of misogyny.
Incapable of humor? In my mind, this puts her in the "evil" camp. Plus, all the other evil shit she does.
I know I have seen recent douchebag pics with popped collars. And with that, I bid you get off my retirement home lawn!