
Duh, those are the only books I like to read!

As a student of writing, I am so very curious about the aftermath of this. He didn't just kill a major character, he destroyed one of the major storylines of the entire series. Just gone. That's amazing to me. I'm not even sure it has thematic meaning, except to say that life's a piece of shit when you look at it.

I knew the minute they named that baby Ned that all would be shit.

Is it also recommended by Captain America's ass? Because I would do anything those buns told me to.

This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

I bet he's been a fierce fighter against gender, race, and age bias his entire life! It definitely can't be a thing he's complaining about only just now. Nope.

I get the feeling Kelly is sent in to be The Woman on Faux News when someone on the right takes such an disgusting stance about women that even women on the right bristle. Maternity leave, etc. Fox will spend a day or two denigrating women, it plays badly with their female audience (who do matter, a little), and

Is she espousing common sense? I'm sorry, that doesn't play well with the o-100 American demographic.

Holy crap, that poor young woman. Being a cranky old lady, if any bastard tried that with me, he'd get a loud, shrill play-by-play of his actions announced to the entire plane, complete with observations about the size of his junk and presumed intelligence. He'd also get filmed and gain Internet infamy.

Remember, guns don't Pop Tart people — only Pop Tarts Pop Tart people. If it's a legitimate Pop Tart, the gun has ways of shutting that down. I can see Pop Tarts from my house!

He's right. It's just so difficult to consider women human beings without jumping through mental gymnastics. I pretend that other women are adorable fluffy bunnies so I can care about their existence above what they can do for me.

Keep talking, boys. The Hyper-Mega-Unicorn Matriarchy is putting names in The Book. See if you can out-biology the new world order.

"Honey Bunches of Oats" may have been said a time or two in my house. By me. He is a patient man.

Old Man Yells At (Music) Cloud

"Newlyweds and almost-deads"? That's something my dad (still a Floridian) heard (?) in the 70s when they moved there, and he still says it.

I KNEW IT! First thing I thought: This looks like Florida. She looks like Florida. One Google later... yup. My home state. Stay batshit, my fellow newlyweds and almost-deads.

It's like an inception of self-entitlement and mediocrity.

Kiera, I wish you (and your sister!) all the luck in the world. You're an example to us all and one badass young woman. Stay strong and ignore the haters — while they waste time being negative, you will work to succeed.

I want one of these so that I can feel like Amelia Peabody. And then I need a sword parasol! Or at least one with a sturdy, pointy shaft.

Yes, everyone is different. Basically, I just want ladies who feel like this might be happening to them to know that it can, and to know there are options. If the pill works for you, then it's awesome!