
I don't think a study should be able to state "because cave mens, duh!" as a conclusion unless an actual cave man is studied. I bet there's a pissed off cave man out there saying, "but I do the dishes and hunt for buffalo — all while maintaining empathy for my wife (who has a higher sex drive than I do), and for the

What MRAs really look like?

Does he teach a class called "Women Are Hysterical: an Innovative, New Way of Thinking"? I believe it's derived from the book of the same name, published in 1813.

I didn't realize that being able to yell was a 100% insurmountable defense against things that are bad. Now that I know, I'm off to yell at Professor Shitspew.

This poor family. I can only imagine how heartbroken they are, and how terrified for their own safety they must be.

This is the person who used to be in charge of hospital gowns.

I wish I could send a keg the size of Boston to everyone who needs it. Bless all these folks, and I pray their ordeal is over very soon.

"Man, no wonder these nuns are so threatening to a group of decrepit old men who live in a castle made of stolen gold"

At the least we could paint stinky lines around her, so that everyone knows she smells like assholery.

Then they'll create an entire subReddit called "r/TerroristZoned.

Maybe she'll have better luck in her next sorority, Delta Delta Unhireable.

I bet the FBI is scouring Reddit for their names right now, where they will be revealed in 3... 2... 1.... At least I hope. And I want them alive and tried, and then if guilty in a fair trial, I want my tax money to incarcerate them until they are very, very old.

Oh, yes — right after the Hammered Toss.

I spellz it after I drinks it.

I really shouldn't wine about it, anyway. I can always ferment my own revolution.

But what of the Foray des Boone's Farme? It's not cancelled, is it?!

I'm quickly irrelevant then. Sounds about right!

Or do I mean sociopaths? I'm a commenter, not a doctor, Jim.

I read that 3-5% of the population are psychopaths, but I really wonder...

Bish, plz. I can see your malformed small intestine from three states over. I think I'll bully you on Facebook about it, and then invent the surgery that will help you.