Which is precisely why almost all game movies would fail, if they didn't already have such terrible scripts
Which is precisely why almost all game movies would fail, if they didn't already have such terrible scripts
And already hate it as they gave Freeman a voice.
The Commando wallpaper has been edited and now reads, 'say hello to the missus'. Just a heads up for those that might have been put off by the original
Well, 'm being unfair, I suppose. In regards to the query, yes. But, that's mainly because they were forced to rush out sequels they were hired to make, like KOTOR2 and Neverwinter Nights 2.
It wasn't just New Vegas that was a buggy mess, though ...
I think the easiest rule to follow is to not make it like The Old Republic's F2P system.
Hopefully a large chunk of this money goes to some sort of Quality Assurance, or maybe they begin another Kickstarter to fund a QA team that doesn't suck.
Well, he harvests the bacon from his pigs regularly so they never wither and die. At least, I think that's how it works wit these Zynga games. I'm sure you just click on the pig and bacon pops out.
After losing their defense against Apple, Samsung targets Apple factory workers and spreads discontent in the workplace
Gotta say, that's the first Saints Row cosplay I've seen that didn't include someone putting on a purple shirt, with matching bandana, then walking out the door. Good work.
How is it? Why would it, or should it, be a big deal? If their reaction is, 'Oh my God! They put a game reference in this game! I am so happy this is here, and this means more to me than anything story-wise in the game!' then I don't really care how much of a dick I come across as being.
If you look at the other comments (I don't care enough to link you to the specific one, myself) he equates this small Easter egg spoiler to that of writing an article, back when FFVII just released, about Aeris being killed by Sephiroth. Yes. This spoiler is equivalent to a major plot spoiler ... Uncanny.
Nah, just the infinite amount of idiocy I see everyday pisses me off
You do realize how fucking flawed your analogy is, don't you? So an easter egg in thus game is equivalent to a very serious spoiler from a fantastic game?
Jesus. Since when did people become so fucking sensitive about every little thing?
Eh, not as stupid as people who unnecessarily capitalize words in their sentences but, please, go on.
Somebody needs a nap
A valid one, yes. Considering every high-profile game came be simplified to just one sentence, your point, argument, or what have you, is null and void.