Even the Genophage is still holding the line ...
Even the Genophage is still holding the line ...
OXM didn't care for LEGO Batman 2 due to the fact that it has the high-tech motion controls that you experience with the Kinect ... without actually needing the peripheral.
How is that game? I want to believe it is awesome, as I have a deep love for RPG's
Going from just the Headline alone (I'll read after I comment):
Terrific! So Blizzard have taken it upon themselves to ensure you can't progress in the game you just bought, for your own safety.
You and me both, friend. You and me both. :(
Excellent work, Fahey. Not that my opinion matters in the slightest but I am damned proud of you, friendo.
You can play it
Flawless Victory
Hahahahaha! Absolutely fantastic.
Oh — I am inclined to interject here. It's not that co-op and multiplayer are the bane of this generations existence. I have had a great deal of fun playing Co-Op on many a game, especially Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
I am going to create a Kickstarter project about this comment right here [kotaku.com] and I am going to show the world that men aren't helpless, frightened simpletons like the dude in Silent Hill 2.
I expect there to be link to pornographic sites and weight training materials. Also, copious links to P90x and Rambo fanfiction sites
Now, men had it bad, and still do, but I don't see a channel dedicated to our plights.
Twice as much, you say? Hmmm ... Think of all the videos I could make talking about all the moose men headbutt in a given day and all the beer we consume. Yes!
I'm gonna cast my blame son something else: The Lifetime Channel.
You are welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it,
I'm going to dress as Sexy Barry for Halloween