
I don’t see how rolling back an executive order that doesn’t specify race, is racist. Also, if we want DACA to remain in place then congress needs to pass a law mirroring it; that way we have some stability to our immigration system. GIFs are cool too though, my 7 year old nephew sends them to me all the time! :)

What other alternatives were there? Wait it out? Do psyh episodes end after a short period? It’s a sincere question. I’m not familiar with schizophrenia.

Ironically, she was using the concept of white privilege at its most exacting. As a name for the inborn structure that sustains western culture, and as a force that is largely unconscious and at its most pernicious when white people are in denial about its existence.

It’s tomatoface.

Holy shit. I can’t even believe you used Amazon just now. I get the free paper twice a week. Today there was a letter to the editor which lamented that the world is being taken over by all of these “Amazon women” and there is even one of these trying to get into office. This letter also asked when men decided to

I thought we were already in hell but apparently there is hell within hell.

It’s an ethnicity not a race.

that’s a good chunk of my family when it comes to why Islamophobia is racist.

And her tweet defending herself?

agree. Also there is always somebody who is like “it’s a religion not a race” It’s both, so yes racism applies especially in this situation.

Yeah I’m not seeing how racist was the wrong word at all. Although who knew not being pure white bread meant you couldn’t be racist against anyone ever? We have been taught with that I’m Mexican comment lol.

Heather calls her racist, which was the correct spirit but the wrong word and Kelly counters with: “I’m Mexican!” which has literally nothing to do with the situation at hand.

It’s pretty clear what RockShrimp means. If you’re not up on who these people are perhaps you need to do some research.

Makes more sense than your list of names did. But clearly we live in different realities.

I just posted this on another article, but I’m gonna repeat it.

Is Donald Trump going to pull out a gun and shoot himself in the head on live TV tonight?

I didn’t think she could get better than last week’s “I think I’m gonna be president” delivery, but goddamn Kate McKinnon.

Silver lining: Ivanka (born October 30 1981) is 22 days from being free of her Dad’s attention.

It’s easy to imagine Hillary Clinton wiling the evening away with some close friends, laughing over champagne over all of this mishegoss.

In my fever dreams, which are apparently coming true today.