I genuinely hope you took the time to make the same complaint to the dozens of other media outlets that reported this story. At least two are cited above, to make it easier for you.
I genuinely hope you took the time to make the same complaint to the dozens of other media outlets that reported this story. At least two are cited above, to make it easier for you.
The people that come to cape for this muthafucker are tripping over themselves to do it again!
I don’t care. STFU Coonye you’re canceled.
Advisors have a lot of power over their advisees. They can make your life miserable, torpedo your career early on. I know mine, while mostly well-intentioned, made me suffer greatly due to her untreated psychiatric problems. The power imbalance in this relationship cannot be stressed enough.
How professional.
The goal should definelty be that trans models are able to just show up to castings and be judged as individuals, not collected as tokens- but that puts a lot of pressure on the individual model, and the sentiment isn’t helpful unless there are explicit steps to address this. Just saying that the doors are open is not…
If Lena Dunham posted this itd be antidiversity, but since it is Rihanna, it’s about organic intersection. Is that the difference? Funny how buzz words can be used to reinforce our preconceived biases. Corporations will NEVER make choices “organically” as they are always targeting specific audiences to sell product.…
Agree to disagree on this one. Were it a huge difference, it wouldn’t be so easy for the trolls to rework this one. I think it’s a very blurry line, blurry enough that you have to pay attention to who’s explaining their decision to have not hired any (fill in the blank) to make sure they are being truly “organically…
Isn’t this the kind of excuse a lot of Euro-centric companies used to not cast/hire people of color, though? It sounds good on the surface, dig below that and it becomes super-problematic. You want to see how problematic it is? Look at all the anti-diversity folks glomming on to this post, some right here in the…
That makes sense. But a diverse organization isn’t going to happen unless that organization actually makes the diverse hire, so the question “Why do you not have any transwomen in your lineup” (which I realize wasn’t the original question) is still important.
I disagree. Isn’t it better to have representation as long as the representation is ethical? If you hire a transwoman you’re going to be accused of tokenism anyway, and if you don’t have a call specifically for transwomen then the transwomen are less likely to be hired, even by Rihanna.
Isn’t it good to hire a…
Invite her to the cookou...?
Cool. Agreed.
Yep, she did make a poor choice, which is why I said I disagreed with her and she’s not my people. I’m still not mocking her miscarriage, nor shrugging off suicidal thoughts because she sang at Trump’s inauguration.
Considering that I say “all skin folk ain’t kinfolk” all the time, I find it interesting that you should try to use that here.
He was trying to praise the victim, basically say that he did an outstanding job and allowed the police to catch these guys. Maybe he didn’t word it in a way that pleased you but it’s obvious he was trying to compliment the victim for keeping his/her composure and getting the license plate recorded rather than say,…
Thank goodness that an administrator intervened. Usually they are complicit in the brutality of children.
No... It was the right the first time. Children don’t ask to be born. You have a RESPONSIBILITY to nurture and care for the child YOU chose to bring into the world. A child’s job to show respect...and grow into a good person hopefully with the tools they learned from you. I do my job as a mother and my daughter…
The prison industrial complex must be fed with bodies. We blame lawyers and class privilege as the reasons why the poor get imprisoned far more than the rich. I’ve been wondering recently if it’s also just sick economics.