
“I’m going to play devil’s advocate here, because I am actually an advocate for the devil.” - Scottie Hughes (probably)

Places I have heard this type of language before tonight:

4:10 when someone off screen sighs “oh god” as she tries to deflect onto bill clinton AMAZING

“Scottie, here’s a direct account of Trump harassing someone I know”

Now playing

One of many from Scottie Neil Hughes tonight

Ana has been brutally effective over the last couple of weeks of just obliterating the Trump surrogates. Speaking of which, I am certain Corey Lewandowki and Scottie Nell Hughes are going to be canned by CNN after election, and they will be basically unhireable.

I think there are a LOT of women who may tell their husbands they’re voting for Trump, but in the privacy of the voting booth, they won’t.


On the plus side, this broke early enough so the Kaine team now know exactly what Pence’s chosen tactics are.

Of course it’s legal. Targeting black men and destroying their health has always been legal in America.

Plus according to that article, it was the police department that went to bat for him to try and keep him on the force, and instead of being suspended without pay they checked him in to an alcohol treatment facility. Of course they blamed his domestic and child abuse on the alcohol, because no treatment for either of

I’m a martial artist, and was asked at my last test if I could ever see myself using lethal force. My answer was that I couldn’t see myself planning to, but if I strike someone in the head, I know that’s always a possiblity and would proceed with that in mind.

As a 6'5" guy who broke 6' at 14... That is what my father drilled into me for most of my life. I’ve thrown one punch in anger in my life, against someone who was trying to throw me off a 1 story balcony onto cement.

I am guessing Jolie has caught the recent headlines of all the tabloids. The ones calling her “the ex-wife from hell” and outlining “Jolie’s plan to destroy Brad.” The papers are not being kind to her in any way. And this is her trying to spin control this.

Librul cat ladies that are WWDT fans Unite!

A greater one, how? Because they lived there more recently?

I mean, Jerusalem is the de facto capital of Israel. Are we supposed to pretend indefinitely that Israel isn’t entitled to even half of a city founded by Jews that was the center of Jewish power for millennia?

You’re swallowing that pill no matter who is elected. Hillary’s policy toward Israel is no different.

i have a feeling if trudeau was here in the states running in trump’s place, clinton might not win...due to the women’s vote.

Thank you - even the desecription of Clinton’s faults in this article are annoying, although I’ll give her “hawkish”. The only thing I really find “uninspiring” about Clinton is the public’s stupid sexist reactions to her.