
A firsthand account from my friend’s fbook; account is set to private, so I just cut and paste:

You can just say “Ms.” And, no.

These kind of sassy shit talking teachers were THE BEST in high school and we LOVED them as (non-dipshit)students (and they were disproportionately English teachers to 16, 17, and 18 year old kids). Trust me, those kids can take it. And most of that sounds like it was in retort to some mouthy kid(s), which I fully

I wish she would write the same paper and demand for they publish a response (since they opened the debate) that includes a graphic description of chunky period discharge.

Also ... this caused me a moment of discomfort today, so I figured I’d pay it forward:

SJP talked bout KK as she is 16.

One of my saddest days was when I watched the series finale and realized I would never, ever see a new episode of Parks & Rec ever again. There are a lot of brilliant shows, but only Parks & Rec ever made me a happier person.

She’s really helped me out of bind with my “Racist ABC book”

You are very silly.

The wee jock, who happens himself to be as near to public-school as damnit, is calling concern to Tomathy’s weak-chinned, inbred aristo-ness, I believe, with small lashings of veiled homophobia. Also, he got led around by a gu-u-url which is not something Real Lads do (they beat the shit out of women and then lay them

My gut says T. Hiddy probably prefers dudes. I do not know why my gut says this.

Having to discuss mental health issues in a professional context is one of the more humiliating things to do in the American workplace. I had to do it today and even though the outcome was extremely favorable for me, I still want to curl up in a ball and hide forever. I can’t imagine having to deal with it on this

Each of these photos is hilarious if you replace the last noun in their inane commentary with “cocaine”:

Remember the golden years of Camalot when politicians would actually fuck gorgeous movie stars and not just pathetically jerk off in front of an electronic screen with strangers?

is it wrong?

“Can a feminist blog and the first female nominee really not have a serious, substantive discussion?”

Bunch of fucking Bernouts complaining that Hillary won’t give you free clicks? Fuck off back to St. Bernie and cry on his wrinkly shoulder about it.

That show is freaking amazing.

Thanks! It’s a line from the very Jewish Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which I recommend most very highly.

Birds are so dumb. Why spend 4 hours and $500 flying to your death at the stadium when you could kill yourself on a 46" HDTV in the privacy of your own home?