
File to: Straight people discovering the world.

I think I figured out the Root’s problem. They are so interested in going for the outrage, that they take everything interesting out of this story. You claim to be black people writing only for other black people, so it really seems super basic to say “This is a racist comment and he should resign”. Like, duh. But

Nice burn! I’m married to a gay black man. I’m very well acquainted with his farts lemme tell you.

And yes, farts are sometimes funny and sometimes smelly. They are never wise, smart, or all that interesting. Like you.

This is some real wisdom here. Congratulations on your worldview.

I think the opiate epidemic exists in contrast with the war on Marijuana. They’re not illegal, they’re incredibly addictive, they can kill you, and they are actually causing huge problems for law enforcement, hospitals, and other public infrastructure.

Student loans, opiates, incredibly high rent, low minimum wage are

I’m not actually the letter writer. See this is what I mean about the commenters at the Root. Despite all evidence before you, you insist that there are two types of people: You, and all the Nazis who disagree with you.

You’ll try to “show me the door” or tell me that “this isn’t about me” or some other hackneyed

I’m glad you finally answered my comments, but it still doesn’t make sense why you write actively stupid things all the time. Is your point that the resilience and beauty of black people combined with the BEST BLACK WRITERS IN AMERICA (lol) produces The Root? Just a few months ago y’all were literally copy and pasting

Oh look, you can work yourself into a lather without any white people around at all. White people cause a lot of problems for people of color, but this confirms that you cause most of your own problems Michael.

Racism is very bad, white supremacy is real, Donal Trump is human filth, and Harriot is still a dumbass.

I feel like this blog is a sign on progress the way that increased reports of sexual assault is a sign of progress. On that case, women feel more safe reporting sexually violent men, and in this case, you feel safe writing stupid hostile things about racially violent white people. See, white supremacists is real and

You are just wrong.

Do you ever think about the relation between your preference for ad hominem arguments over factual ones and the election of Donald Trump?

But then how will the commenters on the Root complain about commenters on Jezebel?

But seriously, you can just say journalist.

Oh My God. Watching straight people get all bent outta shape about the injustice of the NFL culture is so delicious. Awww? Do you feel excluded? Are you devalued by the fans? No one wants to sign the rude activist to their team? The entire gay community laughs and laughs at your newfound sense of fair play and

Being white is not what you think it is, and the experience of most white people in America is not what you describe.

You don’t know me betch

lol, y’all are wicked fragile.

Have you ever had sex with your hot friend? Maybe a little after drinks bro-job, a little mouth on cock action?

The board members must still be deciding which blog gets to cover the Nashville church shooting by Emanuel Samson. I can understand that

What to do when your mom is a becky?

Lol at really smart root commentators