
The suggestion here seems to be that there is a similar human process at work inside a brutal dictator and black men in New York. That his feelings and your feelings about your social situations, be they of the neighborhood or of the UN, are comparable in experience. That’s kind of a sad and insulting joke.

Man, this is how the Root covers domestic violence against black men? Black men really are doomed if y’all can’t even empathize with yourselves.

Have you noticed that black people are the ONLY marginalized group in the US that really go hard on making their least favorite racist slur last forever? Yeah, us queer people like to reappropriate our slurs, and women have been reclaiming the C word and B word for decades now, and there’s that asian band called the

Haha you are a sad MMA fan. Sad potatoes :(

Michael, you are a perfect example of an internet tough guy. I say let’s get together for real and then I will punch you in the face and you can write about how well it solved things.

Oh look, you found a way to bring up all the excuses you really feel make your misgendering mistake okay and then also pretend that you’re not using them to justify your behavior 100%.

But maybe I’m just “butt hurt,” another one of your queerphobic favorites that was popularized by white boys on 4chan to mean “upset

Seems like some people would rather drink haterade than water.

Apparently learning from direct past experience is the same thing as stereotyping now. #NotAllAreasInDetroit

It really stood out to me as a show without any casual sociopaths, and I appreciated that.

Does this woman not have any friends?

Well at least you admit you’re selectively rational.

I feel like if someone tried to use this rhetorical tactic on you, you’d say something like “This isn’t a conversation about X right now. We don’t need your white opinions derailing this conversation. This. Is. Not. About. You.” and then there’d be a sassy gif.

They have a point though.

Intersectionality reaches The Root: 09/19/2017

You have lost all sense of perspective.

You’re really drunk on this whole “The Root’s favorite white man” tea

Michael isn’t random he’s the author of this article.

Robert Finger?

You are being willfully ignorant. Nothing about this engagement is lucky for me.
