
I’m not sure you’re aware of how well you just proved my point... anyway:

Wow, what an unwonderful lil’ male rights dude you are. Also REALLY lousy at logic.

3 sets of bothers/sisters-in-law. My mother-in-law and father-in-law (both of whom have dementia, for what it’s worth). 2 or 3 of my uncles and at least one aunt. These are the ones I know of, and I’ve had my most obnoxious relatives blocked on facebook for years.

He will also appoint at least one Supreme Court Justice and this time it will go through. That will damage the country for 30-40 years.

I recently moved from Hillsboro, and am no longer registered to vote there. I have forwarded this article to a registered voter in Hillsboro who I am acquainted with.

I keep telling my husband we need to think about moving to Canada (we actually don’t live that far from the border), but he just rolls his eyes at me.

i keep thinking about how jon stewart was all excited and making jokes when he announced...we were all so much younger then...we know so much more now...

I kind of agree...and think he might have been trying to blow it when he said “i could shoot a guy in the middle of 5th ave and i wouldnt lose voters”

The U.K’s PM said “nope” when Trump claimed to have been offered an invitation to meet, so did London’s mayor. Even fricking North Korea don’t want to talk to him. He gets on well with Putin I guess...

because its never a mans fault when woman becomes pregnant.

I really don’t get it. As a former boy in highschool, getting a girl pregnant was very high on my list of fears. As a voter now and old-man-in-training I’m all “helllll yes!” to women’s health bills. I never understand a guy who thinks “A girl getting knocked up in highschool? Nahhh not so bad!!!”

As I say to all of my Republican family members: Trump is the candidate that Fox News hath wrought. All of that fear-mongering and misogyny and racism and hate has manifested itself. He’s like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man at the end of Ghost Busters.

Is this real life? After months and months of reading about him, I still cannot believe that he’s IT. I’ll never, ever forget my husband and I laughing in the kitchen the day he announced he was running. And now the joke is on me and I cannot get over it.

Here’s hoping the next school board election brings more women to the board, or men who are less liable to let their emotions make their decisions for them.

Sipowitz save me, my parents voting Trump, becasue they think he is the best candidate for president at this point. I told them, if Trump wins i am moving to Canada.

He won’t get much done of his stated domestic/foreign policy. But he will irreparably damage our standing with countries all over the world and, as you said, will certainly embolden all the most hateful elements of our society into more acts of bigotry and violence.

In the way that a burning building is fun to watch, but I generally prefer not to be watching from inside the building.

Voting in November will be the highest stakes game of Chicken the world has ever seen.

But what if they made our bed and we have to lie in it?