
I was trying to think of a best, but I couldn’t, so I’m just going with badass-est.

Agree. Have just been informed that we don’t have the hookup or space for a dishwasher and also that we can’t afford one and that “I told you to use my work number only for emergencies.”

Note, however, that any environmental savings dishwashers have from the water is offset by the environmental damage done by the electricity and the pollution necessary to create some of the components.

I wish i could know what Bruce has been going through but i can’t. As a cishet straight male, i had the benefit of having my body gender and the gender of my mind/heart/soul match up. No amount of empathy can make you feel what that is like. I couldn’t imagine what i must be like to go through life knowing that you

You know, I will return to a store/restaurant and give back extra change so the cashier doesn’t get in trouble. I once chased down a woman who dropped a wad of cash in the parking lot right in front of me while digging in her purse. But a diamond ring in dogshit that the owner would have found if she’d been a

Is it really necessary for such a serious statement after 8 months of dating? That isn’t even the full gestation of an actual baby.

Lol yeah basically. I feel you. Had to bite my lower lip all through middle school.

I find this really weird and somewhat funny as someone who naturally has big lips. When I was a kid, I thought my lips were too big so I would look in the mirror and try to keep half of my bottom lip inside my mouth to see what it would look like to have “normal” lips. I really like them now, especially since they

The guillotine is named after the guy who invented it. Can we name the location where this is administered the “Fallin Chamber”?

This little bit of Hollywood history, be it true or too good to be true...

Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in

No, it’s Becky.

I did the same thing at 16. I don’t judge myself for letting my irrational teen brain be convinced that I was just more mature than most teens and that’s why an older man was interested in me. I do judge the older man for not reining me in and rejecting my advances because there has to be something wrong with a 23

Hell, you couldn’t pay me to DATE a 17 year old. I’m 23 now. I feel weird being around 19 year olds, let alone 17 year olds.

*You don’t know shit about growing up in front of millions of viewers in a brutal industry and still trying to get homework done.

I think it's the thought process of assholes. I replied to someone on another kitchenette post who didn't want min. wage to be raised, bc her uneducated brother would make the same pay that she does, as a person with a degree. It seemed to totally fucking escape her that she should be pissed at being underpaid,

It's human nature to take the shortsighted view and subconsciously fear that someone else's success must come at one's own expense, as if all of life were a zero-sum game —...

The art of tipping is, for most people, really freaking annoying. How much is too much? How much is too little? Is this the only reason I had to learn how to calculate percentages in 5th grade?

College, I was dating a douche y Navy ROTC dude who lived in his frat house. He bailed on a date night with me because he was "sick," so being a dutiful girlfriend, I took some chicken noodle soup over to the frat house. Walk in, walk up to his room, and there he is, banging some rando chick. I hurled the soup at