
If, an hour ago, you had asked me what an "Ansel Elgort" was, I would have assumed it was a tantric Swedish sexual position.

I was feeling sort of old today. Thank you for posting this and reminding me that I don't really want to be 21 again.

Allahvun It

Seriously..when McDonald's makes a move like this it is truly a game-changer. All others will fall into line as well. Costco is being rather reactive here. Strange to see McDonald's leading the way on anything.

this is valid, but there's still a narrative that you seem interested in pretending isnt there.

Let me join in the chorus of Fuck Her. And I'm not even speaking as a working mom (though I am that), but as a goddamn human being. Expecting people to work until 10 PM for no earthly reason? GTFO with that shit. Unless you are literally doing heart surgery or preventing a nuclear meltdown, there is no reason for

I mentioned something like that in one of my comments, but I meant if you're doing it intentionally to win brownie points or to show dedication to the job, even though you don't have to (like the lady in this article) that sucks and creates a bad climate for everyone. But, of course, I think most people have

Awesome! Another cool thing to check out is that Perdue (I see you mention them here no longer sourcing antibiotic chicken) has been experimenting with probiotics instead of (or in limited addition to) antibiotics with some serious success. I've read a couple of different studies about use of strong doses of good

There's a lot of comments here that say "if you are working late / can't get your work done in seven/eight hours, then you are a bad employee."

No lie, I've actually thought of inventing a child to get out of work functions. It seems to be the only damn thing that people respect. Do I want to go out for drinks with you? "No, I have to pick up my kids" sounds so much better than, "No... just... no."

"...and why doesn't she call out any men?"

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this reaction. I'm also childless, and my second thought after reading this (and after thinking, "Jesus, what a terrible person!") was that now she's a part of TeamMom, she's going to start treating employees without kids like shit. You can see the seeds of it in the editorial, as

Off topic, but not really, somewhat loosely related observation about society and people who need kindness from strangers the most:

Also, if you're coming into work at 10:30, don't bitch when your employees who got to work at 8:30 leave at 5:00. I had a boss who routinely showed up for work around lunchtime (or rather, just in time to go to lunch) and come 5:00 he was always like "where's everyone going?" Um.....we got our work done during the

My boss, a mother, posted this on social media saying that all the single working women needed to take note. Which pissed me off, because what, does she assume we're all like this woman until we have a baby? I have some sense of compassion and understanding without having a child of my own, and why doesn't she call

I read this article the other day and look, I'm glad that she understands the perspective of mothers (and I should say, parents) now that she has a kid, but there is something about this that really rubs me the wrong way. I'm a childless woman and I've worked in a supervisory or co supervisory role with all types of

"Paying attention to your own body's needs" doesn't mean anything. It's something science-averse people on pregnancy message boards say to justify never visiting the OB. How the hell is my body supposed to tell me, unmistakably and in real time, that I'm getting too much mercury or not enough omega-3?

YOU TAKE THAT BACK. *I'm* full of sugar and spice. Also formaldehyde and pthalates.

It's white and gold, but the white looks blue-ish due to poor white balance. People who see black: you're a worry.