
I once saw a stroller showroom that looked like an upscale car dealership. There was literally a stroller on a rotating display platform with little spotlights and everything in the front window

It’s kinda more like, there’s no more locked doors because that is illegal, but there are still really heavy doors, or doors that jam and only open a crack, or doors with special handles that only penises can open, or doors that will grab your ass when you walk through.

:( happened to a friend of mine too

OH MY GOD I lost it with the letter part. You dodged a bullet there!

The first thing that came to mind for me was the time I straight up didn't write a paper for my favorite Spanish professor and was so embarrassed I didn't even give an excuse. A week later he emailed me apologizing because he couldn't find my paper and asked me to send it again. I sat down and wrote it in two hours,

Eh. It's good to have a pretty clear idea of what you want, especially life goals/values wise, but having a super detailed list of requirements is silly. My fiancé is not the spitting image of the person I used to abstractly imagine marrying. Some things I thought would matter ended up not matterin. And he has other

So I'm guessing it didn't go like the last episode of The Mindy Project?

No way, sex with a full bladder is weird and uncomfortable.

Seriously Important Question, is it right to call this a bikini? I would go with extreme one piece.

So I'm one of those heartless demons who would get an abortion in a fetal heartbeat if I ever got pregnant, but even if I weren't, pictures of real fetuses would do nothing to endear me to the idea of pregnancy. Those lil aliens are creepy as hell.

I guess you can have a ceremony with your inexplicably supportive friends and family, but I'm pretty sure you can't get a marriage license in... any state.

The solution is common sense. Women are going to be sexually assaulted. And, men are going to be falsely accused of sexual assault.

I really thought I had seen this exact thing a while ago, so it struck me as weird when it was suddenly being reported on. I'm wondering if he took a long-circulating Internet joke and made it reality.

She as a person looks fab but this dress looks like it's drooping off the front of her.

He's got great lips!


I know this is wrong for so many reasons, but on the other hand, I would be happy to never sit next to a strange man on a plane again. Especially the middle aged business bro who insists on asking me about my life to then mansplain how I'm doing it all wrong.

Until we get vulvas drawn on every high school desk, bathroom stall and lunch tray in America, we will never achieve true parity.

I feel justified in my constant skin picking knowing that nothing will ever remain in my skin long enought to get even remotely this nasty.