It's fun to subpoena the YMCA
What's actually awesome about the gif ban is that so far I can accurately picture all of the gifs people are referencing instead of pasting. :) It's kinda fun!
I hate this story. I also hate Philadelphia.
the sad thing is that when I heard about this my first thought was, "wow, someone in Philly stood up to catcalling? He must be a tourist" and sure enough...
That's so terrible. This is my point, by the way, every time some guy (generally sexist, but sometimes just clueless) tells me to just yell back or tell men to fuck off when they harass me in the street - you just never know if that guy is the type of guy who will go apeshit. Anyway, I wish this guy a speedy…
She might have actually said "a liter of kids," or about 33.8 ounces of children.
I really love his response when asked about his sexuality. It's really great to hear a man say something like that. Or anyone really.
I was homeschooled and grew up on a farm with horses. This was basically all I did as a kid. Watching this video was very nostalgic for me.
Men have no idea what tampons and pads cost and how deeply essential they are. There's a huge stigma about menstruation that makes a dude buying tampons for his usually overly emotional girlfriend into a tired TV comedy show trope. Women in poor countries either have nothing to bleed into it (and lose jobs and school…
You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.
Sorry, Iggy Azelia's Fancy doesn't have shit on the original.
It is pretty gross how people can different reactions to different people despite vaguely superficial similarities merely because of their ideas, words, and actions!
More like whore-hey amirite amirite??
"My husband is a nice, gentle man who is supportive and kind to my face but has a sinister, sick side that is even more malevolent given the fact that he is so sly and secretive about it. In our 9-year relationship, we've fought three times total which shows the almost psychopathic levels he goes to to suppress his…
Meanwhile, these malcontents are likely the same moh-rons who contribute to the CRE* dilemma, which is far more serious and likely to kill ever-body. Nice forest-missing for this peculiar tree, 'murica.
And let's face it - if this group can treat them, if they can find new ways to increase odds, whatever, it will save a lot more lives elsewhere. Also, god forbid, if this facility isn't as secure as they think, I think it's better to have it with ebola (which is harder to spread) than something like a mutated SARS…
And now if we could only rid ourselves of the expectation to wear bras! I dream of the day that the shape of my nipples being visible will be as mundane as the outline of men's nipples. Nobody even notices a guy's chest, but strangers outright stare or even make comments when I go bra-less, and it's considered…
"Two battleships' worth of tits" should be the new slang term for big boobs.