
Yeah that is definite hate speech. I may not agree with everything you are saying in these comments, but there is a line even for me where the malice is obvious and I just flag and move on rather than bother responding to them. Usually they are already erased before I see them to flag.  I mean who you are responding

I have mixed feelings on this. Unless it is overly malicious I don’t support yielding to social media outrage machines that appoint themselves emissaries for entire groups of people. That said, whether or not the changes were warranted, at least they are trying to do something good with the changes.

That is true on any side of the issue.

Yep. That is what Bethesda is doing with Starfield: avoiding hyping specifics far from release that might not make it in.  Not to the extreme of NMS or Cyberpunk, but Bethesda has "stepped on a few rakes" as well, magic in Skyrim being a good example.

I took it more a warning to be a bit more grounded in expectations.

Knowingly lie? Perhaps I’m too naive, but I think someone can be overly ambitious and think they are being honest. That’s the tone I get from the article and it’s a good warning. Stepping on rakes is a good expression.

My thoughts exactly.  I've accepted things will always surprise me, but what??

I don’t know if China is a good comparison. The repression is no joke, but religious zealotry and political zealotry are different beasts. I’m not saying the Middle East can’t change but when a culture prays five times a day and everyone must always compete to look most pious at all times, and it’s considered not just

I think the point went right over your head. Pointing out he’s a gamer isn’t in any way lessening that.  And now I see many others replied saying the same, whoops.

I’m not sure how this is supposed to work. With such arbitrary theocratic restrictions on what is “moral” what mandates will be forced upon SNK to conform? Unless his long term goal is fighting the clerics to reduce the extreme bigotry and social oppression of the country, which I doubt, I’m not sure what the point is.

You stated very well what I was thinking. I liked the focus and overview on what is to come. I’m not nearly as invested in following random announcements all throughout the year. I guess there are “coming this year” articles but it’s not exactly the same.

I’m just sitting here in awe that there was that much money to lose. The more I read about NFTs the more ridiculous it gets.

At this point Zelda delays are like a tradition. I can see why Nintendo avoids revealing things early most of the time.

Mario Kart seems unlikely with the dozens of tracks they are adding, but other than that and online Mario I agree.

Perhaps I’m too cynical but all I see is another shot in the war against the single-payment license. Especially given backwards compatibility for the PS1 and PS2 combined with honoring the purchases of PS1 classics should be trivial. The PC remains the only platform I truly trust for digital releases, and this kind of

I confess this is way too complicated for me to understand without further study, but I appreciate the detailed overview. These kinds of things will never be completely fixed. The important thing is that they do not get ignored. Fighting for decency is an eternal effort. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing if company

Shutting the companies down is supposed to help the victims... how exactly? I’m pretty sure most of them want change, not the loss of their jobs so activists can get thier kicks. I’m not saying I agree with what happened. In fact I concede the whole mess is hard to understand without studying it.  Perhaps Microsoft

This brings back memories of saving up 6-9 months of allowance money to buy a game and smelling the amazing new game box smell as I read the instruction manual in the car on the way home.

Thank you for being unrelentingly blunt about this. It’s fine to both admire Nintendo as a developer while being scathing about how unnecessarily hostile the company is to fans and preservation. Congratulations Nintendo, you’ve just triggered the Streisand Effect over a book you were never going to make money off

I’m chuckling at myself for taking the tone of the article way too seriously at first. I’ll have a “I’ll believe it when I see it” attitude about things like this.