
This was a bit more than just piracy, and it’s safe to say keeping private prisons happy has nothing at all to do with this. That said, even though most prisons are not private, none should be.  I was shocked when I found out they were a thing at all.

This is great. What gets me are the people who claim not to be racist but flip out about “political correctness” as an excuse to complain about any character of prominence not being white. It took me ages to figure out why the heck a relative called King of the Hill “politically correct,” considering how universally

It’s important to remember all of those awful things, but collective blame is never right. And perhaps you aren’t entirely serious, but your post itself is racist. We were taught all about the ugly parts of history in school. Are there actually places in the country that don’t? Rural Wisconsin in Paul Ryan’s old

This is really sad.  At least he paid the money back, but why?  You'd know you are a cheat the whole time.  I don't understand being that unscrupulous until caught.

The problem with that is “this person doesn’t rubber stamp everything I say and dares to get annoyed when harassed” is enough for the witch hunters to declare someone a bigot. I’d suggest judging people by the content and not what other people declare them to be.

I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. It’s possible to be revolted by both at the same time.

This is really concerning to me. By that I mean the trend and not the particular acquisition. If a huge company owns tons of studios they may just throw away ones that don’t pull in ludicrous amounts of money, killing studios and series that were still viable even if not making billions in revenue.

NFTs are incredibly stupid and need to go away. This agree with us or we have a hit piece ready for you nonsense is an embarrassment though. The article would probably be glowing about the beloved albeit stagnant series if they had issued a statement against NFTs, and that is a problem.

Then you are little better. If you leave an excuse to behave poorly, then that excuse will be used. Only by actually trying to behave maturely oneself can you claim any moral ground. Slipping up is one thing. Embracing immaturity and malice however is just that. Bullying is bullying. Poor behavior is poor behavior.

People play the critical feedback card to justify terrible behavior.  If it's not civil, it's not critical feedback.

It’s irrelevant in relation to the harassment though.

Bad behavior from others never excuses one’s own bad behavior. That's something social media mobs don't seem to understand.  It's something a five year old needs to grow out of.  For adults, it's just sad.

My “favorite” are the sites that don’t understand major spoilers without character names are still major spoilers. “Fans mourn this favorite character’s death (spoilers inside).” It’s shameless. It’s usually but not always the click bait sites that talk a lot of nothing like a middle schooler trying to hit a word

Right, and we “need” data caps because the Internet is a series of tubes to solve a non-existent bandwidth crises (and not to nickel and dime people). This is nothing more than dollar signs in his eyes. We don’t need to “understand” this anymore than we need to be “educated” to call caps “usage-based pricing” instead

Much like with Nintendo that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be shamed for it. Few companies are as viscous as Nintendo in trying to erase fan works. And Toei here made a name for itself in a bad way with this incident, not “Japanese anime companies” in general. The reason why is irrelevant when the behavior isn’t

I support thier effort to unionize, but it’s a shame most of the coverage ignores that the layoffs starting this whole thing was so they would be able to hire the QA workers at all. Those contractors they didn’t internally hire were in effect let go while the others became employees. The whole story is important. In

I’m honestly surprised.  I had no idea this was a thing.  I always liked Navi.

This reminds me of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  Sisko is reluctant to take part in an old fashioned casino program since the era it’s representing was so racist, but in the end he’s convinced to because it’s how it should have been.  Not that everything that goes down in these games is great I’m sure, but options are

It’s so bizarre how obsessed that company is with turning off achievements.  If I didn’t do manual backups, I’d have had a bugged victory that didn’t count in Stellaris.

I’m not sure why this has to be pointed out to people.  There are dozens of examples of other game companies not doing this, or at least to this degree.  Thanks for being vocal.  I love Nintendo, but not how the company treats fan work.