
In this case, I don’t think the tweet would have stayed if it was Samus behind Snake either.  

Porn is a poor example because that isn’t out in the open in mainstream humor etc.

I’m surprised by this in a good way.  I always wonder if anything like this is even possible for Chinese game studios.

So Nintendo is shown up by fans again after doing a bare bones arbitrarily time-limited port. I’m curious what the tally is of companies tolerant (or even encouraging as some are) vs. those like Nintendo and Take-Two that treat fans like the enemy.

Taco Bell removed the color from its logo and lowered all thier signs to the ground a few years ago around here. The signs got taller again because the trendy artsy change for the sake of change team that decided to do that somehow didn’t realize it doesn’t matter how “modern” ground-level signs are when potential

I’ll take “tacky” over “bland and supposedly modern” any day.

I’ll never forget my first GPU that I bought, the "expensive" (lol) Nvidia 6800 Ultra.  PNY didn't honor thier warranty 2.5 years into the three year warranty and I was too passive to fight it.  I keep the card as a reminder of the risk of buying expensive computer parts.  Now even the mid tier is hundreds more

The article itself isn’t though. It even brings up what I would have said: it’s better for detective cards to fail under warranty.

It’s really interesting how risky this is and puts my petty “I really hope it’s not just human characters” concern in perspective. But without risk and ambition the reward can’t happen. Hopefully they succeed, and this game has had a long development.

Okay I can’t say for sure but I have a feeling if this was some progressive icon the article would be glowing about the creator getting to make sure his vision is honored is a good thing. But because he donated to the wrong people he’s mocked instead?

I won't defend Trump's stupidity, but the reasons for this go far beyond that.

Even worse that they actually sell for far more too.  It's nuts.

The article itself, as blatantly biased as its tone is, says it may be in error.  Facts matter more than scandalous sound bites.  They should at least.

I think it's important to note those GPUs failed because they were defective products.  That the game brought that to light is incidental.

I confess I was saddened to learn Japan is so far behind the times this had to be added in localization.  Still progress is progress!

I still have to wonder if some deranged bigot is going to read the title and be like I KNEW THE GAY AGENDA IS REAL!!!1

It’s a weird inversion. It’s like if someone clinically talks about “homosexuals” they are most likely a pseudo intellectual bigot these days.

That was my initial reaction until reading the article. I’m not sure why the title is so dreary sounding.

I’m not sure I even understand what you’re getting at. Because it’s a corporation they aren’t allowed to have fun? Do you avoid video games made by corporations and only play indie games?

Why hand wave decades of progress over not getting 100% of demands (realistic or unrealistic as they may be depending on which)? I’m more concerned of what has been gained being thrown away by people who demand 100% thier way or no way. I didn’t think I’d be talking about Democrats pulling that after years of