The debasement of language (and truth itself) that this administration promulgates is beyond my ability to forgive.
The debasement of language (and truth itself) that this administration promulgates is beyond my ability to forgive.
Buy better crack.
Thanks, Muck!
Liberals as a strong minority government seemed likely at last check - what news?
Related cocktail fact: they got their name thusly: Federal Republic Of Germany.
Yeah, he’s claiming substantial damages because they call themselves a news organization.
He’s suing CNN with another unhinged letter on White House stationery, based on some conspiracy theory he came across.
Peak Actual Gilded Age.
One bedroom, not counting the servant’s quarters in the attic.
Yeah, both Belmont and the Tinney’s coddled, brain-damaged son had chivalry/knighthood fixations, the latter with hoarderesque levels of collecting antiques, sometimes of very dubious provenance.
She’s a self-important bullshitter, and is recognized as such. Her empire is crumbling as we speak.
Belcourt: built for Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont, son of August Belmont and bestie of William Vanderbilt until Alva left William for him (William had him beaten in the streets of New York so severely that he spent the summer in hospital). 60,000 square feet (counting the courtyard), room for 30 horses and 30 servants,…
Manifestly unfit for office.
Sorry to be all over the bag today, but OUR LIZ!
(By ‘own,’ I mean it’s a bad toupee.)
(in my best Homer imitating Monty Burns voice): Exaaaaactly. /HiMBv Alienating the loyal eyeballs/remaining commentariat is just shitty business practice, and rude, too.
Someone in those twits points out that RUDY IS NOT ADMITTED TO THE DC BAR, i.e., cannot practice in the area. This is going to get wild very quickly.
I am at a loss, on this particular day rife with important political goings-on, in finding half of the shit covered at all, and that’s across multiple silos. Spanfeller fucked this one up badly.
Well, ‘his’ in the sense that he owns it.
Thank you.