(Any real sailor will tell you the adage goes “Red sky at night: sailors get drunk. Red sky at morning: sailors get drunk.”)
(Any real sailor will tell you the adage goes “Red sky at night: sailors get drunk. Red sky at morning: sailors get drunk.”)
Hey thanks for all, commentariat and writers alike. This was fun, and this was home. Now it’s gone, because of Jim Spanfeller’s poor business sense and apparent thin skin.
(Was there some fuckery with the comments in the barf bag last Friday? I was allowed to post, could see a comment count, but could not see any comments.)
Signed up today. See you there, and thanks!
“I’m hearing more and more about deadsplinter these days.”
I was unaware. Thank you for the knowledge. Having said so, I’ve not seen any ads on my browser from Discord, or whilst using Discord.
(May I personally invite you to the Discord ‘left for dead’ channel, where refugees from G/O keep the clicks away from Spanfellers and the like?)
Yeah, within the past year or so it’s really gone batshit.
I’m sure you’ve been following all the fuckery with ILCA, World Sailing, new rigs and sailplans, Olympic fuckery and more, right? Bring your popcorn.
Hey looks like there’s a mass exodus to Discord channel “left of dead.”
So, now they’ve killed splinterRIP and deadspinRIP.
No disagreement here. I’ve happily aged into afterguard on bigger, comfier boats.
...like a She-Hulk.
Oooh - the exterior establishing shots of Collinswood were filmed locally, at a house called Seaview Terrace, right by the local surf break.
(Well, hiking on any dinghy, really.)
(So, we’re already dead and don’t know it, right?
Isn’t that swamp full yet?
You are a balm, Rooo, in this particular Gilead.