zuludaddy (says Bravo Zulu)

Yep. Hope Frazier gets a cut or a story credit. (Even if it’s just for a humor piece that’s a couple of pages long.)

“Allow me to introduce myself, Wile E. Coyote. Genius.”

If the film is literally a trial with cutaways to the incidents Wile and the defense attorneys present, I am 100% behind this.

Stephen Fry is in UNIT?

It’s so strange to think it took 12 seasons of nu-Who before it got a Stephen Fry cameo. There’s something oddly belated about that.

Special shout-out to Ace the Bat-Hound of Earth-66, taken by the Antimatter Wave while walking his human.

Trump’s campaign misusing a meme doesn’t so much concern me as Trumpo trying to pull literal Nazi shit with an executive order declaring Judaism to be a nationality. Not only is this continuing Trump’s anti-semitic “Jews = Israel” stance, but it’s also another step in justifying deporting Jews. Because if Jews are a

Fun fact: the tartan craze really took hold in the nineteenth century. The whole idea of “this was our ancestral tartan that we’ve had since the Middle Ages” is a pretty fiction. Sure, they had tartans but the idea that THIS IS OUR OFFICIAL TARTAN was made up by the Georgians and Victorians.

Nah, there are some sorta originals, but even those or basically Victorian meme-builders trying to be retro. Now it’s just marketing.

Not really, the Menopause is when a woman runs out of eggs.

Now playing

Apparently, the president thinks we all live in the episode of Seinfeld where their apartment building has low flow shower heads installed

My led bulbs can make me look like I’m purple with green polka dots, I’m not going back to incandescents. I have a low flush toilet. It works fine. Once in a while, I may have to flash it twice. If you’re having to flush 15 times, then whatever you’re trying to flush isn’t something that should be flushed down a toilet

There is no debate.  Nobody is on Team Porg on this one. 

From a certain point of view...

Pretty sure you meant seagulls.

OK, y’all: dogs are good. Even dogs owned by bad people. I would vote for Ivanka in a heartbeat, but let’s not bring an innocent puppo into this.

Even without a conviction in the Senate this isn’t entirely pointless. He can’t be pardoned for any crimes for which he is impeached.

Feminist Blog Ignores Presence of Woman Standing Literally Right There

Not just the men. Unless I’m mistaken, to the left of Trudeau is the Princess Royal, Princess Anne. Charlie’s younger sister. The hair certainly looks like her.