zuludaddy (says Bravo Zulu)

[Hey I need a job (or a decently paying gig). All of the sudden. Seriously. If anyone can actually help me out here, contact me at this username at iCloud.]

I am rather unhappy with the sudden loss of what felt like home to me. To have shut things down with no notice beforehand, or explanation post facto, is an unkindness to the loyal commentariat.

Fuck you, Jim Spanfeller.

I want him to continue to make obvious his utter unsuitability for the office. And then have a few little blood vessels go pop in his Broca’s area so that he might watch, wordlessly, as his world collapses around him.

You were not kidding about the sheer fucking volume of tweets.

Sorry, no idea. Yamiche is a reliable reporter, and I took her word for it.

The evangelical contingent is limbering up for this contortion.

(good catch - in the linguistics show, we say “error of production, vs error of competency.”)

BRB getting more popcorn.

Well, we’ve all known they’re a bunch of Foxholes for some time now, dear.

Man, you put a lot of effort in to this. Kudos

Ok hypothetical cocktail called a MAGArita.

Sorry, threadjacking:

AGAIN, the White House refuses to accept Congress’s Constitutionally-mandated role as oversight. They are shitting on the constitution they swore to uphold.

Jesus fuck. Can he just fucking stop for two minutes without fucking something else up?

Comic sans. WhatisthisIcan’teven.

The only target he actively tries to please is himself. Always and only.

They are tough, tough motherfuckers. “Pesh Merga” translates to “those who face death.” Also, as non-Arabs of Indo-European stock, shouldn’t Whiteboy McPezident be in their court [as if he could muster such higher-order thinking]?

Thank you for this clarifying bit of info.