Come dark, drunken, shirtless, backward-fucking-ballcap wearing young Republicans will be chanting “USA! USA!” as the flames quickly spread...
Come dark, drunken, shirtless, backward-fucking-ballcap wearing young Republicans will be chanting “USA! USA!” as the flames quickly spread...
Hey Happy Canada Day to all! Cheers!
Tomato, you fuck. You’re in Nick Martin’s article claiming native heritage yourself. By all means, do fuck off. And when you’re done fucking off, go fuck off some more.
And have a fun one tomorrow, our good Muck!
(Darling! You still make me swoon...)
See: Tibet. :/
I’m not sure to whom this quote is properly attributed, but: “In the US, a hundred years is a long time, and in the UK[/EU], a hundred miles is a long distance.” I’ve lived abroad, and studied some very dead languages, so have some sense of scale/scope/range. Still, these dates are reasonably impressive for European…
So, we continue to see he has no respect for Congress, for the Judicial branch, and even for his own Department of Justice. The provisions of the Constitution he swore to uphold are meaningless (e.g., delaying the ‘20 census), and he is accountable to no one. Republicans thwart any effort to mitigate his fuckery.
1639, representing (home, not birthplace). Whippersnappers.
(It’s not obvious, but if one hovers a cursor over the spot just to the right of the ‘star,’ there’s an icon allowing one to flag, follow, or dismiss responses one might get. Dismissal is an option only for the person being responded to - you, in this case. Otherwise the community has to put up with crap like [presumab…
Dismiss your disinformation troll Romostrodamus, please.
Dismiss your troll “Romostradamus,” please.
Obvious troll is very, very obvious. Please refrain from ungreying this hate-engorged shitbird.
Didn’t Saint Ronald issue the “11th commandment,” whereby one must never speak ill of a fellow Republican? Not that I really give a shit, but that whole flavor of Republicanism was flushed out with this tide of cult-of-personality manqué.
(Oof. Missed my opportunity for “kinjadiggit?”)
[Bill Taft!]
I’m just talkin’ ‘bout Taft. [Taft!]
They say that cat Taft was a bad muthaf....
(sigh... If Obama, Fox would be screaming for his head for PRESIDENT TWEETS “DEATH TO AMERICA!”)
This is an amazing photo! Thank you.