zuludaddy (says Bravo Zulu)

Go on, defend this as reasonable behavior befitting the dignity of the office of the president of the United States.

Do not underestimate this man. He is the one person most responsible for the ‘message discipline’ and doublespeak which is the source of the Republican manipulative bullshit which allows them to stay in power. “Death tax,” “religious freedom” and the like are his finely tuned and market=tested abominations of

“...sub groups...”

Black sheep, representing. You have plenty of company.

And yet a sizable and very vocal minority fully support this grotesque mockery of anything remotely dignified, or even “American.”

I guess they gonna need somma them activist judges, legislating from the bench, and all...

“the best people...”

Oh, my mistake. I thought you were a reasonable person, not a disingenuous fuckwit. Fuckety bye, now!

This, too:

But that’s not what the text says. 

Jesus, how long has this day been? And how the fuck has she put in 3 ½ years at the White House if he’s only been in office for 2 ½, and Spicer and that 11-day fool preceded her?

Oh hay! NPR just reporting Sarah Huckabee Sanders stepping down.


I think generally speaking 69 was a really good nice year.” 

[This is getting repetitive:] Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Republican Party, “The party of law and order,” and “the party of personal responsibility.”

How long will Republicans continue to fiddle as the world burns?

Elizabeth Warren now coming in second behind Biden in two new polls released today. This is good news.

Hey, you know, I was kinda having a good day today. Nice weather, got some sun, hit the farmer’s market, caught this amazing upside down double rainbow (a big-ass sun dog, actually):