zuludaddy (says Bravo Zulu)

I swear to god it is the case that I live in what what once the rum capital of the world, back in the mid-18th C. There were at least 26 distilleries lined up on a mile of wharves in the day. but now we only have one rum distiller, who names his rather outstanding stuff after out most famous pirate, and seals the

Sounds smashing! If you do ever get as far out east as the coast, darling....

(Allow me to suggest finding some ginger beer to mix with your fine rum for a Dark & Stormy, the national drink of sailors everywhere.

You are a sheer delight this evening! Cheers, dear!

This is a very good take. 

Your sarcasm obscures your intended message: I’m rather grey around here still, and certainly not the cream of the crop. I’m a lot closer to lurker than to tomato. 

I’m just suggesting their brand positioning does not match up with reality.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the leader of the “party of personal responsibility,” and the “party of law and order.”

And he did have “(I paid) more that 1000 hamberders” before he went and changed the official government record....

This is the fuckwit who, representing a Union state, sports a confederate battle flag on his desk. A congressman, supporting a traitorous cause. Long may he burn.

[edit: too thirsty.]

This just seems like a whole new level of movement away from Democracy and American norms, and it is making me physically and psychologically tense.

I think you're being willfully obtuse. Goodbye.

Oh sorry, I thought you were coherent. Of course [current occupant of the White House] is a motherfucker/bad guy.

Then you just read a long list of people illustrating my point precisely. 

Did you read the article?

Remember, folks: pearl clutching and tone policing are effective ways of deflection and derailing the subject of the conversation.

Perhaps an arc of history, bending toward jaundice?