zuludaddy (says Bravo Zulu)

Cue “what’s wrong with being in Prague?” goalpost movers in 3...2...

Wasn’t that a Robert Palmer video in the ‘80s, darling?

Number of adults in the room: decreasing.

Well done. Fingers crossed for more good luck for you. In the meanwhile, pour yourself something to help you sleep, and toast a friend and companion whom you will always remember.

Oh dear. Chin up, hold it together for a little while, and kick some ass on the interview. Hydrate, too.

He died well, which is all one can ask for. Though there’s never a good time, I’m sorry that it happened during the holidays. Don’t forget to take care of yourself as you mourn his passing. Have peace when you’re ready.

I’m so sorry. That is the worst.

Sometimes I think it’s like for them, any admission of objective reality will cause their entire [vulpine, rapacious, self-aggrandizing] edifice to collapse.

Darling! You look ravishing in black! 

Much like the Ugly American trope, whereby if someone does not speak ‘murican, repeat oneself louder and more slowly.

I remember there was some speculation that the $1.6 million for the “playmate”/abortion hushing from him was actually a cover for [current occupant of the White House], as an extramarital abortion would be too much for the evangelicals to put up with. The then-current accounts made it sound like Broidy, himself quite

He is visibly deteriorating, and looking lost with increasing frequency.

Spot on, darling. He will never get the recognition he pines for from the people he actually admires himself.

Well, here’s a nice one, wherein Roger Stone ally, noted birther and swiftboater-in-chief Jerome Corsi is chatting about terms with Mr. Mueller.

[PEDANT ALERT!] regarding “Harvard-Yale is a notable rivalry, sure, but...” This is actually the oldest football rivalry, referred to as “The Game,”and Harvard’s stadium is itself the oldest in the nation.

(That was Consuelo Vanderbilt, daughter of Alva, and named after Alva’s bestie Consuelo Yznaga. Alva famously and spectacularly divorces William Vanderbilt when he fucks around with (the senior) Consuelo. She then immediately takes up with William Vanderbilt’s bestie Oliver Belmont. Vanderbilt has thugs beat the crap

I believe Gelernter is the guy who had received a package from the Unabomber back in the day, ended up losing at least a part of his hand. How this relates to trumpism I’m not sure, but I can see how it would seriously fuck with ones’s perception of reality and the motivations of others.

Well, Happy Birthday, and cheers!

You are not alone on this one.
