zuludaddy (says Bravo Zulu)

I’ve been referring to Brat Kravmaga’s inevitable ascension to the Supreme Court [because Republicans] as the bropotheosis, myself.

I smell tomatoes.

Oh my fuck. 

Truly you are the hero these times demand, and that we collectively deserve. Brava! [pleasedon’teatme]

Regional status marker: Breton Red trou like those were once only available from a shop called Murray’s on Nantucket. The fade is desirable amongst the yachty set, matching the ‘80s-cut standard blue blazer ‘made contemporary’ by the pastel jacquard tie, probably by Vinyard Vines. This, with a straw boater and club tie

Steer into the skid...


(This might well make me unpopular, and in no way do I intend to be supportive of this creep or his actions, but I think Guiliani is better transcribed/understood as don’t do this [mimicking Todd’s semi-facepalm] to me...” The bullshit “truth isn’t truth” quote is rope enough to hang him with.)

He’s going to start a war to distract from the Russia business/Mueller investigation, isn’t he?

I would be happy to buy this man a pint.

(Perhaps a handbasket?)

(+1 Dudley Doright, my good man.)

RI Dems pulled the endorsement this morning, but still...

Thank you, Ellie, and continued good luck and success with all. Cheers!

[PEDANTRY WARNING!!! She’s styled “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Fidei Defentrix, Dei Gratia (“Defender of the Faith, By the Grace of God”)” The “HRH” is for [most] anyone else in the Royal family. Here endeth the lesson.]

Me reading your reply:

Welcome back, Muck. We’ve missed you and your insightfulness.

GBers: how did current occupant of the White House get a Royal audience if he didn’t get a State visit? Might HM do terrible things to him without fear of punishment [please]?

No, cunt. your inhumanity is showing.

You are kind to say so.