Based on *your opinion.* Last time I checked, we don't create laws based on what some people think, with their feelings, isn't moral. Otherwise there'd be laws against wearing crocs or letting minors watch reality TV.
Based on *your opinion.* Last time I checked, we don't create laws based on what some people think, with their feelings, isn't moral. Otherwise there'd be laws against wearing crocs or letting minors watch reality TV.
A vastly more likely outcome to this scenario would end up with her 4 year old kid shot dead than a violent psychopath. A lot more children die from firearms in bedside tables than would-be murderers do every year.
You're more likely to have your firearm turned against you during a home invasion than successfully defend yourself with it.
Wait, so does he have AIDS or is he just HIV+? There's actually a pretty real difference, in terms of his overall health and likelihood of being infectious to lots of people. We shouldn't throw around the terms interchangably (unless you really DO mean AIDS, at which point he'll have to step down soon enough…
What do you think merchants were selling that made them so rich? DoTerra essential oils? Avon skin cream? Rich merchants in the South were overwhelmingly selling slave-produced goods - that's how they got rich. Politicians were usually wealthy male landowners who ran plantations, so yep, there's that pesky slavery…
I know, silly us, seeing uber-rich white fashionistas hanging around plantation houses and thinking "slavery." I'm sure they were just there delivering pizza or mowing the lawn or something.
She's not speaking about a literal zygote. She's talking about the conceptual idea of having a child, and when motherhood will enter her life. Why is it important to you to keep arguing over and over that she must be that dumb/ignorant of biology?
Haha, thanks :D They were one of those very intense, high-drama couples who thought they were Roger and Mimi from RENT (but not poor and without the debilitating illness) - it's probably better for everyone that they broke up, including themselves.
You are so strong.
It was a fun topic. No regrets :-)
So it's only "force" if the victim literally cannot physically overpower her attacker? Are you fucking shitting me?
I was sexually assaulted in a cabin on a camping trip with friends. The next morning I came to breakfast and the only seat available was next to my attacker. I took it. He patted me on the back. I didn't move. I ate my breakfast, went back to the cabin, and cried. I was in shock, my brain was trying to explain away…
I am so sorry that happened to you. Hugs. Hope you're handling the day ok.
Or she's internalized all the shit about "It's not rape if ____ (whatever bullshit criteria) doesn't happen." You know, the kind of stuff you're spewing on this thread. It's not rape if you don't run!
This kind of comment is great. "She should've just ____!!! LIAR!!!" As though we know everything that happened, her state of mind, her abuse history, everything that was said to her, etc. Victim-blaming sanctimoniousness at its finest.
IDK. I could still see a wedding-stressed bride snapping that at someone who kept trying to press the issue over Facebook (as it sounds like OP did). Answering rudeness with rudeness isn't a nice thing to do, but I see where she's coming from.
I read every story. All 900-whatever comments. It was a great use of a Sunday afternoon. Some pretty interesting stuff - funny, moving, tragic, gross, tear-jerking. Everything in between, and almost all good stories. Almost.
"I'm not racist, I just watched Pocahontas with my kids!"
I'm sorry you got dumped, but really? Worst wedding ever = one where you liked the (pretty cliche at this point) decor?
The last line killed me.