
That's really sad :-/

That's shitty.

I want to hear the flashing story!

Yeah, that was my first thought, too. What happened?

Holy SHIT.

The part about mailing them Vincent = your story is FOR THE WIN

PTSD can make someone hard to live with, but it doesn't turn an otherwise gentle man into a rageaholic dickhead. Glad she left him.

Not everyone gets to bring a guest to every wedding. It's totally permissible for cost or space reasons to say "We'd love to have you there, but only you - not a guest we don't know." Only exception is long-term life partner.

This isn't a wedding nightmare per se, it's a wedding that wasn't.

I sure as fuck didn't get a $1000 to blow on coke when *I* was in college. Psychiatrists in the DC area can make $250+ an hour, so yeah, I'd call her wealthy, compared to the average American family scraping by on $28k a year.

Can you imagine a young woman of color from that "ghetto" DC neighborhood getting a $500k advance to write a book about how she fucked and snorted her way to the top? Even if she COULD write well (which I don't personally believe Marnell can)? Nope nope nope nope! It's still titillating if it's a nice, upper-class

That was my thought, too. She sounds like every liberal arts educated addict I've ever met, pretty much.

Having worked in women's health in DC, I'm calling shenanigans on her "agonizing second-trimester abortion" unless she a) specifically and loudly refused all pain medication offerings multiple times or b) went somewhere illegal. I wonder if anyone is going to bother fact-checking her work, or do talentless narcissists

Still illegal, under "right to roam" laws. Your doctor can't do that.

If all of someone's pics are their abs, then I assume that's all they have to offer. If it's tindr, fine, but if I'm on OKC and my profile is set to LTR ... well, I'm not going to be super excited for ab pics + a 4-sentence profile that's all about the gym. (Or, better yet, the "Anthony Weiner Special" - profile pic


Jesus, what a shitbag. So sorry you had that experience.

This happened to me. I went on a date with a dude, he seemed ok, went on a second date and he tried to take my underwear off *in a symphony hall* (no, we hadn't slept together yet, and it wasn't a dom/sub kink thing, he just went for it out of the blue.) I literally smacked his hand. Afterwards, I said I was tired, he

Obviously, my solution won't work on text messages, but I wonder if OKC would be improved if you could only message someone a certain number of times (say, once or twice) before they responded? It would cut off people's ability to keep feeding off their own rage, if nothing else.