As long as Lea Michele is dispatched in a brutal fashion, I'm down.
As long as Lea Michele is dispatched in a brutal fashion, I'm down.
He seems to be reposting.
"So "marriage" is the new term for kidnapping, imprisonment and sexual assault?"
So "marriage" is the new term for kidnapping, imprisonment and sexual assault?
Wow. Maybe dial back the bitch a little bit if you want people to engage meaningfully with your opinions?
I hate the idea that this woman or any terminally ill person OWES others something. Like her death is entertainment. It's disgusting.
"So-called" quality of life? FUUUUUU. Have these dicks ever seen someone at the end stages of a terminal disease? It's not dignified, it just isn't. My father was so weakened by chemo that he broke his arm trying to prop himself up in his hospital bed. And then came the weeks of him hanging on, unable to speak or…
"[I]f she chooses instead to fight this disease, her life and witness would be an incredible example and inspiration to countless others in her situation."
Christ, with that kind of logic, maybe I should start hammering random people to crosses against their will. When the police come, I guess my legal defense could just be something like:
Some of them were (evil cackle) BURIED.
I tried the whole wearing what I want (meaning dressing like the male grad students in hoodies and the skirt equivelent of jeans) and got all sorts of reviews about how I was unproffessional...Took my advisor's advice to dress like a grownup and far as I know they went uh yeah, I'd love to wear what I want,…
My best friend has Aspergers. He has no trouble with the concept that women are people just like men.
New term for my vagina: "power suit."
Yes. It is very, very difficult to speak to women exactly the same way you would to men by actually allowing them to complete sentences and not talking over them.
I must confess that I felt especially bad for him when he recounted how his mask "occasionally" slipped and that people could tell that he "lacked conviction" and was "humoring them".
All colleges need to incorporate a primer on enthusiastic consent into their orientation programs. Sit everyone down, separate the boys and girls if people are going to get flustered about it, and plainly teach the following concepts:
Radcliffe shoots and scores. Well said.